
عبدالله البردوني

Abdullah Al Bardouni

لص تحت الأمطار

My autumn night is restless,

فارس الأطياف

His name was Yahya, and he would keep

كانت وكان

He had her where there was no shade or palm fronds,

صديق الريح

In the name of guineas and weapons

بين ليل وفجر

In the gloom of the fearful night,

زحف العروبة

I am here, and crowds have gathered at the doors

بعد الضياع

Where am I headed? My journey has wearied me

أبو تمام وعروبة اليوم

The sword is not true unless falsehood whets it,

ثرثرات محموم

He used to talk, cry, answer, call out

طقوس الحرف

And erase like scribbles

بعد الحنين

Would you forgive if I

إمرأة وشاعر

You ask me: Who is she


It is time for me to bear being apart from you

اعتراف بلا توبة

If he claims knowledge, there is no doubt,

من منفى إلى منفى

My country, from the grip of one tyrant

صنعاء والموت والميلاد

Sanaa was born in September

أسمار القرية

From the echo of tents, and mountain valleys crowded


Who are you, you who awaited my answer

ابن سبيل

He walked on a path strewn with folly’s rubble


Do not ask about his moaning and his pillow


The daughter of the sky emerged from the horizon

قصة من الماضي

Take it, my dear brother,

مصرع طفل

How did he end before he began

من أغني

I sip the tears and feed on sobbing


I passed by an old man, feeble in mind and hand

وراء الرياح

You ask me: where is my playful home?

اليوم الجنين

On the road and pasture


You left me here amidst torment

وجوه دخانية في مرايا الليل

The gloom swarms...and this sorrow swarms


O pediatrician I am here

قبل الطريق

Before the road, I begin

ليلة الذكريات

Let me sleep a moment, O worries

امرأة الفقيد

Why don't you return? Every fighter came back

الغزو من الداخل

The ignorance of what is happening is terrible

الفاتح الأعزل

Forgotten, in his neglected seat

عتاب ووعيد

Why do I have hunger and hardship while you have plenty?


Between the colors of hardship

فلسفة الفن

Do not say, "Why do you weep?"

مدينة بلا وجه

Do you know, O Sanaa, what is happening?


Where did you disappear, in which lofty horizon?

ساعة نقاش مع طالبة العنوان

Hello.. Do you want the address?

مواطن بلا وطن

A Citizen Without a Homeland

في الجراح

Alone beyond despair and sorrow


They threatened us with shackles or with arms


His thirsty, enamored heart suffers

يمني في بلاد الآخرين

Where am I from? Who knows?

كانوا رجالاً

Who are we, O Sorrow, O Orphan?

مع الحياة

Oh my life, for how long

وحدي هنا

Alone am I here, O night, alone

في بيتها العريق

Who? I said: It's me, oh gazelle

الليل الحزين

Gloomy, slow-paced, painful


O silence, how I wish you could

في الليل

No sympathizer around me, no compassion,

وحدة الشاعر

The dream of the future and the memory of the past

أنا والشعر

Bring me my guitar, let me play

كلنا في انتظار ميلاد فجر

O companions of the journey, where do we go?


He said to me: Do you feel terror around you

عذاب ولحن

For whom do I pluck the exhausted lute

في الشاطئ الثاني

O her face on the other shore

الربيع والشعر

The community of countries welcomed you, its beloved

لا اكتراث

Offer it to him or break it in his palm,

نهاية حسناء ريفية

Like fading dahlias are the maidens

فلسفة الجراح

Pained, so pained am I. Why this pain?

تقرير إلى عام 71 حيث كنا

Where we were as the Imam wanted

عينة جديدة من الحزن

Like clouds that squeeze her breasts

لعيني أم بلقيس

My dearest beloved

صنعاء في.. طائرة

On the departed seat, settled

روح شاعر

Hearts greeted you before eyes could see,

حديث نهدين

How can I forget him, does forgetting help?

عيد الجلوس

This dancing, graceful morning

شعب على سفينة

A fantasy from the mist


Like the return of years to my blind eyes

نحن والحاكمون

منزغ الشياطين

أحزان وإصرار

مسافرة بلا مهمة

السفر إلى الأيام الخضر


مدينة الغد

رحلة التية

رحلة النجوم

يقظة الصحراء

بعد الحب

نار وقلب

غريبان .. وكانا هما البلد

مدرسة الحياة

من أرض بلقيس

أخي يا شباب الفدا في الجنوب

يقظة الصحراء