
Do not ask about his moaning and his pillow


1. Do not ask about his moaning and his pillow
For in his wounds are the wounds of his country

١. لا تسل عن أنينه وسهاده
إن في جراحه جراح بلاده

2. In his wounds are the wounds of a people
Whose feelings are stagnant, dead like stones

٢. إن في جراحه جراحات شعبٍ
راكد الحس حيه كجماده

3. A rebel carrying the hearts of countries
In his love and faith a flaming torch

٣. ثائرٌ يحمل البلاد قلوباً
في حشاه وشعلة في اعتقاده

4. He gave his people his heart and blood
And his feelings, loyalty and affection

٤. وهب الشعب قلبه ودماه
وأحاسيسه وصفو وداده

5. He is their voices when the people roar
And the whispers of his conscience in solitude

٥. فهو أصواته إذا ضج في النـ
ـاس ونجوى ضميره في انفراده

6. He is a rebel who wants and aspires
Beyond his means... lofty is his goal

٦. إنه ثائر يريد ويسمو
فوق طاقاته… سمو مراده

7. Hatred ignited flames in his guts
A raging storm provoking the fire of his flint

٧. أوقد الحقد في حناياه ثاراً
عاصفاً يستفز نار زناده

8. So he went with obstinacy in his eyelids
Shouting, and hell in his hatred

٨. فمضى والعناد في مقلتيه
صارخٌ، والجحيم في أحقاده

9. And he faced bullets from every crevice
Still rabid in his obstinate frenzy

٩. وتلقى الرصاص من كل فجٍ
وهو ما زال في جنون عناده

10. Whenever retreat beckoned him
The grip of chaos seized his leadership

١٠. كلما أومأ الفرار إليه
أمسكت قبضة الوغى بقياده

11. He challenged calamities until they blazed
Around him and his weapons were spent

١١. وتحدى الحتوف حتى تلظت
حوله وانتهت بقايا عتاده

12. He returned like a sword carrying from his blood
A twilight that tells the world about his executioner

١٢. عاد كالسيف حاملاً من دمه
شفقاً يخبر الدنا عن جلاده

13. And the wounds you see on him
Are like the titles in the record of his jihad

١٣. والجراح التي تراها عليه
كالعناوين في سجل جهاده

14. And he fell into bed with vengeance still
Awake in him, boding the chaos of his appointment

١٤. وارتمى في الفراش والثأر فيه
ساهر ينذر الوغى بمعاده

15. He did not sleep a moment and if he slept
Memories of chaos shook the calm of his pillow

١٥. لم ينم لحظةً وإن نام هزت
ذكريات الوغى سكون وساده

16. And the wounds blazed in him moaning
His body and extinguishing the fervor of his determination

١٦. وتلظت فيه الجراح فأوهت
جسمه وانطفى حماس اعتداده

17. He asks silence and purpose how to heal
The pride of the wounds from his tormentor

١٧. يسأل الصمت والمنى كيف يشفي
كبرياء الجراح من جلاده

18. For he is between ambition and frustration and longing
Like an eagle in the hands of his hunter

١٨. فهو بين الطموح والعجز والأش
واق كالصقر في يدي صياده

19. Do not blame him if he complains, for his complaints
And his sighs are the smoke of his passion

١٩. لا تلمه إذا شكا إن شكواه
وأناته دخان اتقاده

20. His breaths are dust and embers
From the debris of his heart and his ashes

٢٠. إن أنفاسه غبارٌ وجمرٌ
من شظايا فؤاده ورماده

21. Whenever he says "Oh!" or his sighs rise up
You see a piece of his heart

٢١. كلما قال آه! أو صعد الأنفـ
ـاس شاهدت قطعةً من فؤاده

22. And when his hunger cries out from the depths
It is the fluttering of purpose, the remnants of his provisions

٢٢. وإذا صاح جوعه في الحنايا
فرفات المنى بقية زاده

23. His miserable lifetime is a prison and his wound laments
That his lifetime is on the increase

٢٣. عمره المدلهم سجن وينكي
جرحه أن عمره في ازدياده

24. So he suffers awake with the people
And suffers asleep with his dream in his bed

٢٤. فهو يشقى في يقظة العين با
لشعب ويشقى بحلمه في رقاده

25. He has not gotten from life despite its length
What he hopes for or what his children might harvest from it

٢٥. مل طول الحياة لا نال منها
ما يرجى ولادنا من حصاده

26. "Wretched, wretched is he who suffering life's length
While life continues on its course"

٢٦. والشقي الشقي من مل طول العمر
والعمر لم يزل في امتداده