أفراح الوادي
What ails the shepherds! Their traces excite song?
نار ونار
The love of my heart is fire, so
صاحب الأهرام
Were you between death and birth
موكب الوداع
Where is the cup of the poet, this nectar?
فاروس الثاني
News, in a moment or two,
امرأة وشيطان
She swore no tyrant would disobey her desire
الشواطئ المصرية
O land, vast as heaven,
بحيرة كومو
Prepare the cup and lute,
الملك البطل
He flashed like a fleeting lightning
الأجنحة المحترقة
Have we reached the shrine, and have the eyes found peace?
حافظ إبراهيم
The earth is filled with grief and vanished
He left the land when he grew weary of staying,
Wretched is he whom dark nights have afflicted
الغرام الذبيح
How many a sanguine night I spent, shrouded in its darkness,
هزيمة الشيطان
What ails this night that its edges are obscured
يوم الملتقى
Your sky is melodies and lights
المدينة الباسلة
They came upon you as tyrants and rebelled
حانة الشعراء
It is a tavern with wonders galore
نشيد إفريقي
Dance, O stars, around me in the night
القمر العاشق
When moonlight floods the balcony
Would that my poetry knew, do we pass
قبر شاعر
The branches softly rustled over it,
إلى سيد درويش
You folded life in secrecy
الأمسية الحزينة
You renewed my fleeting dreams and nights
A kiss from your rosy lips
It is the goblet shining in your hands
مخدع مغنية
Imagination flourished in his soul, and beauty, charm, passion and joy soared.
عاشق الزهر
I wish I had wings like a butterfly
عدلي يكن
A pause on the grieving shores
الموسيقية العمياء
When the moon's rays encircle the earth,
على الصخرة البيضاء
On the white rock the shadows shaded me
Your beauty and the brimming cup
رجوع الهارب
I brought my eyes closer to the shining light
الشوق العائد
Be still, O stirrings of longing, in my heart,
ثلج ونار
O fire this evening
أميرة الشرق
O harbinger of wishes, a youth's dream
A genius of melody
عام جديد
Sing of emigration: year after year
الفن الجميل
A striker in fantasy, letting loose his reins
بين الحب والحرب
After five long years you've come to me, oh memories
هي وهو
Lonely! Woe is me! Restless
في القرية
Sing to me of the valleys of spring and wander,
عودة المحارب
Dance, O stars, around me in the night
ليلة عيد الميلاد
Listen, O soul! Is there any melody in the universe?
خمرة الشاعر
My lady, mistress of poets,
تاييس الجديدة
Is it my soul residing in you? Or my ghost?
Long has been your wait in the dark, while
غرفة الشاعر
O melancholy poet, the night has passed
ميلاد شاعر
He descended upon the earth like a radiant sunbeam,
نداء القلب
The darling of my heart, her house came near,
My lyre, you have scattered my melodies
Long has been my wait, and my tryst has passed
طاقة زهر
Your red flowers that you handed over
Did you turn towards me or persist in disdain?
النهر الظامئ
Long has been your wait between despair and hope,
أغنية ريفية
When water caresses the shade of trees,
في الشتاء
Remind me, for I have forgotten, and O Lord, a reminder restores my delight,
أغنية الحب
O friends of mine, this is the hour
If I have drunk deeply of wine,
الملاح التائه
O sailor arise and unfurl the sail
جزيرة العشاق
The summer nights in my youth,
راقصة الحانة
She glided between them like an apparition
من قارة إلى قارة
العشاق الثلاثة
مهرجان الزفاف
إلى البحر
الشاطئ المهجور
صخرة الملتقى
مصرع الربّان
إلى الطبيعة المصرية
أحلام عاشقة
سؤال وجواب
حلم ليلة الهجرة
بعد مئة عام
حديث قبلة
سارية الفجر
ميلاد زهرة
صدى الوحي
مأساة رجل
إلى راقصة
أيتها الأشباح
الكرمة الأولى
نداء الفداء
الوحي الخالد