1. He left the land when he grew weary of staying,
And folded up his life confused and bored.
١. هَجَرَ الأرضَ حين مَلَّ مقامَهْ
وطوى العمرَ حيرةً وسآمَهْ
2. A being of reality and imagination,
Love and beauty held his reins.
٢. هَيْكَلٌ من حقيقةٍ وخيالٍ
مَلَكَ الحبُّ والجمالُ زمامَهْ
3. Poetry inspired him in his youth, so he fluttered
In the mouth of time like a fountain and a wine cup.
٣. ألْهَمَ الشعرُ أصغريهِ فرفَّا
في فَمِ الدهرِ كوثرًا ومُدامَهْ
4. A smooth flow of wisdom and eloquence
God made gush from them inspiration.
٤. سلسبيلٌ من حكمةٍ وبيانٍ
فَجَّرَ اللهُ منهما إلهَامَهْ
5. The heart is gripped by a shudder of his outpouring
And forgets its pains through his magic.
٥. تأخذُ القلبَ هَزَّةٌ من تساقيـ
ـهِ وينسى بسحره آلامَهْ
6. He flooded the earth with mercy and peace
And illuminated the universe, its ordeal and its beauty.
٦. غَمَرَ الأرضَ رحمةً وسلامًا
وجلَا الكونَ فتنةً ووسامَهْ
7. Filling the hearing of existence with song,
He taught the birds its melody and harmony.
٧. مالئًا مِسْمَعَ الوجودِ نشيدًا
عَلَّمَ الطيرَ لحنَه وانسجامَهْ
8. Why did he - when the times turned a deaf ear -
Break his strings and smash his cup?
٨. ما لَهُ والزمانُ مصغٍ إليه
رَدَّ أوتارَه وحَطَّمَ جامَهْ؟
9. The birds were terrified the day he disappeared from sight
And their hidden wounds poured forth.
٩. رُوِّعَ الطيرُ يوم غاب عن الأيـ
ـكِ وسالتْ جراحُها الملتامَهْ
10. What made him long for the world of the soul?
Yes, it was his aspiring soul!
١٠. ما الذي شاقه إلى عالم الرو
حِ؟ أَجَلْ تلك روحه المستهامَهْ!
11. It was dazzled by the light while in the darkness of the world
So it hastened to it, folding up its darkness.
١١. راعها النورُ وهيَ في ظلمة الكو
نِ فخفَّتْ إليهِ تطوي ظلامَهْ
12. She is the daughter of the sky while he is
Of the earth, a creature the dust nurtured his bones.
١٢. هي بنتُ السماءِ وهو من الأر
ضِ سليلٌ نما الترابُ عظامَهْ
13. So celebrate his name, for he did not die,
But chose today to live in the sky!
١٣. فاهتفوا باسمه فما مات، لكنْ
آثرَ اليومَ في السماءِ مُقامَهْ!
14. The meadows spoke to me of him one morning -
Why did their warbler not sing his melodies?
١٤. حدَّثتني الرياضُ عنه صباحًا
ما لصدَّاحِها جفا أنغامَهْ؟
15. The breeze complained to me the first day
It did not carry his greeting to his beloved.
١٥. وشكا لي النسيمُ أولَ يومٍ
لم يُحَمِّلْهُ للحبيبِ سلامَهْ
16. And I heard the stream crying out -
What had silenced its birds and doves?
١٦. وتسمعتُ للغدير يُنَادِي
ما الذي عاق طيرَه وحيامَهْ؟
17. Did he sip the dawn's light as a drink
Or was he cured by the dew of morning of his pains?
١٧. أتُراهُ ترشَّفَ الفجرَ نورًا
أم شفي من ندى الصباح أُوامَهْ
18. And I saw beauty in the valleys of the stream
Calling for her poet, her artist.
١٨. ورأيتُ الجمالَ في شُعَبِ الوا
دِي ينادي بطاحه وأكامَهْ
19. Crying out, seeking her ardent poet
And praying for his art and his painter.
١٩. صارخًا يستجيرُ شاعرَه الشَّا
دي، ويدعو لفنِّه رسَّامَهْ
20. So I looked around me, weeping, and before my eyes
A specter crossed, death preceding it.
٢٠. فَتَلَفَّتُّ باكيًا وبعيني
شَبَحٌ تخطرُ المنون أمامَهْ
21. The heart called out to those mourning around me:
The warbler has met his doom!
٢١. هتفَ القلبُ بالمنادينَ حولي:
لَقِيَ الصادحُ الطروبُ حِمامَهْ
22. So remember his song every morning
And expect from his imagination guidance.
٢٢. فاذكروا شدوَهُ بكل صباحٍ
وارقُبُوا من خياله إلمامَهْ
23. Fill the earth and sky with a clamor -
Perhaps he did not see the dawn but slept!
٢٣. واملأوا الأرضَ والسماءَ هُتَافًا
عَلَّهُ لم يَرَ الصباحَ فنامَهْ
24. Nothing called to me from the Nile's bank
Except a vine with a cloud fluttering over it.
٢٤. لم يرُعْني من جانبِ النيل إلَّا
كرمةٌ فوقها ترفُّ غمامَهْ
25. Under the shade of its branches a flower weeps
And a dove laments in its boughs.
٢٥. تحت ساجي ظلالها زهرةٌ تبـ
ـكِي، وفي فرعها تنوحُ حَمامَهْ
26. My eyes recognized it, and I did not mistake
The darkness, desolation, and confusion.
٢٦. عرفتها عيني، وما أنكرتها
من ظلامٍ ووحشةٍ وجهامَهْ
27. I said: O vine of Ibn Hani, greetings!
In life, man has no peace.
٢٧. قلتُ: يا كرمةَ ابن هاني سلامًا
ليس للمرءِ في الحياة سلامَهْ
28. If we shadows of a passing night knew
That the light would erase its darkness;
٢٨. نحن لو تعلمينَ أشباحُ ليلٍ
عابرٍ ينسخ الضياءُ ظلامَهْ
29. And what you glimpse of the sun's flame
Tomorrow time would extinguish its embers;
٢٩. والذي تلمحين من لَهبِ الشمـ
ـسِ غدا يُطفئُ الزمانُ ضرامَهْ
30. And what you see of stars
A sky that fate maps its system;
٣٠. والذي تبصرينه من نجومٍ
فَلَكٌ يرصدُ القضاءُ نظامَهْ
31. And the beloved, alluring with roses in bloom
Like one faded by time, his sleeves withered -
٣١. والمرَادُ المُدِلُّ بالورد زهوًا
كالذي أذبلَ الردى أكمامَهْ
32. In vain we seek in life eternity
And hope for youth and aspire to its permanence!
٣٢. عبثًا ننشدُ الحياةَ خلودًا
ونرجِّي الصِّبا، ونبغي دوامَهْ
33. The earth is just our spacious grave
In its depths dwells pleasantness.
٣٣. إنما الأرضُ قبرُنا الواسعُ الرحـ
ـبُ وفي جوفِهِ تطيبُ الإقامَهْ
34. The heart deposited in it deep sorrows
And threw at its door its dreams.
٣٤. أودع القلبُ فيه آلامَه الكبـ
ـرَى، وألقى ببابه أحلامَهْ
35. The gentle ones forgot in it their youth
And the enamored ardent lover his passion.
٣٥. نَسِيَ الناعمون فيه صباهم
وسلا المغرمُ المشوق غرامَهْ
36. So wipe away your tears and smile at death -
Your life is but a tear and a smile!
٣٦. فامسحي الدمعَ وابسمي للمنايا
إنَّ دنياكِ دمعةٌ وابتسامَهْ!!
37. O sorrowful theater, condolences!
You have lost this morning your strongest pillar.
٣٧. أيُّها المسرحُ الحزين عزاءً
قد فقدتَ الغداةَ أقوى دِعامَهْ
38. The poet is gone, whom you used to inspire
And from whose words you drew immortality.
٣٨. ذهب الشاعرُ الذي كنتَ تستو
حي وتستلهمُ الخلودَ كلامَهْ
39. He who gave his heart, his strength,
His sincerity, his love, and his passion to art.
٣٩. واهبُ الفن قلبَه وقواه
والمصافيه وُدَّه وهيامَهْ
40. Many a night at your side we witnessed
The story of time, its awe and its glory.
٤٠. رُبَّ ليلٍ بجانبيكَ شهدنا
قصة الدهرِ روعةً وفخامَهْ
41. Poetry unveiled through it its masterpieces
And cast off its veils.
٤١. أسفَرَ الشعرُ عن روائعه فيها
وألقى عن الخفاء لثامَهْ
42. Restore his covenant, revive his nights
And renew across time his days!
٤٢. فأعِدْ عهدَه وأحي لياليـ
ـهِ وجدِّدْ، على المدى، أيَّامَهْ
43. For you today there is a will in the youth
Who filled the age with strength and ambition.
٤٣. وَلَكَ اليومَ همةٌ في شبابٍ
ملأوا العصرَ قوةً وهُمامَهْ
44. They descended into the field, building glory
And competed in life, pushing and shoving,
٤٤. نزلوا ساحه يشيدون للمجـ
ـدِ وشَقُّوا إلى الحياةِ زحامَهْ
45. So remember the rise of eloquence in a land
That raised its flags in its skies!
٤٥. فاذكروا نهضةَ البيان بأرضٍ
أطلعتْ في سمائِهَا أعلامَهْ
46. It is a nation jealous of art
And loyal to its covenants and high principles.
٤٦. إنَّهَا أمةٌ تغارُ على الفنِّ
وترعى عهودَه وذمامَهْ
47. Egypt remains the Kaaba of poetry in the East
And in its grip is the banner of leadership.
٤٧. لم تَزَلْ مصرُ كعبةَ الشعر في الشر
قِ، وفي كفِّها لواءُ الزعامَهْ
48. A day in which it lags behind in precedence
Is a day of reckoning, a day of judgment!
٤٨. إنَّ يومًا يفوتها السبقُ فيه
لهوَ يومُ المعادِ يومُ القيامَهْ!!