
Your red flowers that you handed over

طاقة زهر

1. Your red flowers that you handed over
As a farewell with your bidding right hand

١. زَهَرَاتُكِ الحمرُ التي أسْلَمْتِها
بيديَ مودِّعةٍ يمينَ مُودِّعِ

2. When I reached the summer house, I carried them
Like a child who slept on the wet nurse's arm

٢. لمَّا وصلتُ إلى المصيفِ حملْتُها
كالطِّفْلِ نَامَ على ذِرَاعِ المرضعِ

3. I walk with them over the sands as if
I walk with a specter in the dark, masked

٣. أمْشي بها فَوْقَ الرِّمالَ كأنَّنِي
أمشي بطَيْفٍ في الظَّلَامِ مُقَنَّعِ

4. Folded petals, covered in a gown
Stamped with your refined taste

٤. مَضْمُومَةَ الورَقاتِ طيَّ غِلَالَةٍ
وُسِمَتْ بطابَعِ ذوقكِ المترفِّعِ

5. Veiled like an oriental princess
In a bridal carriage, its curtains not raised

٥. مَحْجُوبَةً كَأَمِيرَةٍ شرقيةٍ
في هَوْدَجٍ أَسْتَارُهُ لم تُرْفَعِ

6. Until I brought them after nightfall
And removed from them the dress of the aloof

٦. حتى إذا أويْتُها بَعْدَ السُّرَى
وخَلَعْتُ عنها لِبسَةَ المتمنِّعِ

7. They awoke for my hands and their color shone
And their breaths mingled in my bed

٧. هَشَّتْ لآنيتي وأشْرَقَ لَوْنُهَا
وَتَرَدَّدَتْ أنْفَاسُها في مَضْجَعِي

8. And they passed, stealing my conscious side
Not complaining of wakefulness or excessive yearning

٨. وَمَضَتْ تُخَالِسُنِي حَيِيَّ لحاظها
لا تَشْتَكِي سَهْرًا وَفَرْطَ تَطَلُّعِ

9. It is you, dreams flirting with my sight
And pouring the sweetness of their talk in my hearing

٩. هيَ أنْتِ، أحْلَامٌ تغازلُ نَاظِرِي
وَتَصُبُّ حُلْوَ حَدِيثِهَا في مِسْمَعِي

10. It is you, specters embracing my mind
And fleeing when feeling the heat of my ribs

١٠. هيَ أنْتِ، أطْيَافٌ تعانِقُ مُهجَتِي
وتَفِرُّ حينَ تُحِسُّ حُرْقَةَ أضْلُعِي

11. They toy with me, and their lips are full
Of your allure, a smile for my craving

١١. أمْسَتْ تُعابِثُنِي ومِلْءُ شِفَاهِهَا
مِنْ مُغْرَيَاتِكِ بَسْمَةٌ لِتَوَلُّعِي

12. And you plotted, my love, and my night passed
While you are awake with me

١٢. ومكرتِ مكَركِ يا حبيبةُ وانقضى
ليلي، وأنتِ لديَّ ساهرةٌ معي

13. You sent them as an eye watching over me
To bring you the wondrous, enjoyable news

١٣. أرسلتِها عينًا عَلَيَّ رقيبةً
تأتيكِ بالخبرِ العجيبِ الممتِعِ

14. To count my motions if I went to my balcony
And number my steps if I returned to my place

١٤. تُحصي حَراكيَ إن مشيتُ لشرفتي
وتعد خطوي إن رجعتُ لموضِعِي

15. They witnessed that since I left you, confused
Alone with my youthfulness in my abode!!

١٥. شهِدَتْ بأني مُذ تركتُك حائرٌ
متفرِّدٌ بصَبَابتي في مخْدعِي!!