1. O land, vast as heaven,
The sea beat against rocks and scattered water.
ูก. ูููุงูู ุฃุฑุถูุงุ ูุงุฒุฏูุงูู ุณู
ุจุญุฑู ุดุฏุง ุตุฎุฑูุงุ ูุตููููู ู
2. Your crags adore kisses in the morning light
And exhale sweet breaths when evening comes.
ูข. ูุญุจู ุดุนุงุจููู ูู ุงูุถุญู ููุจููุงุชูู
ููุฑููู ุฃููุงุณูุง ุจูููู ู
3. Renewing vows, he placed his love
In your manifold rays and echoes.
ูฃ. ู
ุชุฌุฏููุฏู ุงูุตุจููุงุชู ุฃูุฏุนู ุญุจูููู
ุดุชููู ุงูุฃุดุนููุฉู ูููู ูุงูุฃูุฏุงุกู
4. Playing with tracing the sands as if
He were a soothsayer, divining news.
ูค. ููููุนู ุจุชุฎุทูุทู ุงูุฑู
ุงู ูุฃูููููู
ุนุฑููุงููุฉูุ ุชุณุชุทููุนู ุงูุฃูุจุงุกู
5. Depicting fancyโs subtlety, he forms
Of beautyโs art magic and allure.
ูฅ. ูู
ุตูููุฑู ูุจูู ุงูุฎูุงูุ ูุตูุบู ู
ูููู ุงูุฌู
ุงูู ุงูุณููุญุฑูุ ูุงูุฅุบุฑุงุกู
6. He designed the shores with adornment
And shaped them into wondrous scenes.
ูฆ. ูุณูู ุงูุดูุงุทูุฆู ุฒููุฉู ูุฃุฏููููุง
ุตููุฑูุง ุจุฑูููุง ุตูุญุชููู ุชุฑุงุกูู
7. With his feathers he lights the sky,
His feathers make the sky brighter,
ูง. ููุฌูู ุจุฑูุดูุชููู ุงูุณู
ุงุกูุ ูุฅูููู
ุฒุงุฏูุชู ุจุฑูุดูุชููู ุงูุณู
ุงุกู ุฌูููุงุกู
8. Not brighter than his dawning places
A sun, nor lovelier of years and glow.
ูจ. ูุง ุงูุตุจุญู ุฃูุถูุญู ู
ู ู
ุทุงูุนูู ุจูุง
ุณูุงุ ููุง ุฃุฒูู ุณููุง ูุถูุงุกู
9. Indeed, nor is the starry night sky clearer,
Displaying the fullest moon or fairest heaven.
ูฉ. ููููุงุ ููุง ุงูููู ุงูู
ููููุจู ุฃูููููู
ุจุฃุบุฑูู ุจุฏุฑูุงุ ุฃู ุฃุฑููู ุณู
10. O Lord of native splendor, make it
A horizon warmer, an intense red sea.
ูกู . ูุง ุฑูุจูู ุฒุงููุฉู ุงูุฃุตููู ุฃุญุงููุง
ุฃููููุง ุฃุญู
ูู ููุฌููุฉู ุญู
11. As if it folded up the sky and unfurled
Flames and burst rocks into blood.
ูกูก. ููุฃูู
ุง ุทูุชู ุงูุณู
ุงุกู ููุดููุฑูุชู
ููุจูุงุ ููุฌููุฑุช ุงูุตุฎูุฑู ุฏู
12. And for the Lord of the fragrant breeze, an invalid
I visited, and in it the pale night,
ูกูข. ููุฑุจูู ุนุงุทุฑุฉู ุงููุณูู
ูุ ุนูููุฉู
ุทุงูุนุชูุ ูููุง ุงููููุฉู ุงููู
13. The waves danced under its rays
And the breeze pulled its gown to and fro,
ูกูฃ. ุฑูุตุชู ุจูุง ุงูุฃู
ูุงุฌู ุชูุญุช ุดูุนุงุนูููุง
ูุณูุฑูุชู ุชุฌุงุฐุจู ูููุณูู
14. Until when the stars blinked their eyes,
They inclined their hearing to you attentively,
ูกูค. ุญุชู ุฅุฐุง ุฑุงูู ุงููุฑู ุจุฌููููููุง
ุฃููุชู ุฅูููู ุจุณู
ุนูุง ุฅุตุบุงุกู
15. Listening to the flautist under its banner
Composing, excelling in singing.
ูกูฅ. ุชุชุณู
ููุนู ุงูููุชููู ุชุญุช ุดุฑุงุนููู
ูุดุฏูุ ููุจุฏุนู ูู ุงููุดูุฏู ุบูุงุกู
16. The nights of summer shook his enchanting voice,
Appeasing the shores and treading lightly on the water,
ูกูฆ. ูุฒููุช ููุงูู ุงูุตููู ุณุงุญุฑู ุตูุชููู
ูุดุฌู ุงูุดูุงุทุฆู ูุงุณุชุฎูููู ุงูู
17. And stirred the wings of birds which circled
Lost in the horizon, pursuing echoes.
ูกูง. ูุฃุซุงุฑู ุฃุฌูุญุฉู ุงูุทููููุฑู ูุญูููู
ูู ุงูุฃูููู ุญูุฑู ุชูุชูุจูุนู ุงูุฃุตุฏุงุกู
18. Scenes of beauties, O shores, which that sea
Artisan created for you as a storyteller,
ูกูจ. ุตูููุฑู ููุงุชูู ูุง ุดูุงุทุฆู ุตุงุบูุง
ูู ุฐููู ุงูุจุญุฑู ุงูุตูููุงุนู ุฑูุงุกู
19. So watch him on your crags as
The stranger returned to his protector loyally.
ูกูฉ. ูุชูุธููุฑููู ุนูู ุดุนุงุจู ู
ุฑุฌุนู ุงูุบุฑูุจ ุฅูู ุญูู
ูุงูู ููุงุกู
20. How long he beat against your rocks in his waves
Out of the love and loyalty he harbored,
ูขู . ูู
ุธููู ูุถุฑุจู ูู ุตุฎูุฑููู ู
ุง ุฃุฌูููู ู
ุญุจููุฉู ููููุงุกู
21. Excuse him if he falters in speech
For he is the eloquent one, amazing orators.
ูขูก. ุนูุฐูุฑูุงุ ุฅุฐุง ุนููููุชู ุจู
ูุทูุฉ ุงููููุบู
ูููู ุงูุนูููููู ุงูู
ู ุงูููุตูุญูุงุกู
22. So take his talk and listen to him -
How many inanimate things converse with the living!
ูขูข. ููุฎูุฐูู ุงูุญุฏูุซู ุนููู ูุงุณุชู
ุนู ูููู
ู ุฌู
ุงุฏู ุญุฏููุซู ุงูุฃุญูุงุกู
23. Ask him how he spent the nights sleepless,
Without loved ones or enemies in you,
ูขูฃ. ูุณููููุ ูููู ุทูู ุงููููุงูู ุณุงูุฏูุง
ูุจููุง ุงูุฃุญุจููุฉู ูููู ูุงูุฃุนุฏุงุกู
24. How many a night for you, O shores, he traversed
While terror filled the spaces around you,
ูขูค. ูู
ูููุฉู ูู ูุง ุดูุงุทูุฆู ุฎุงุถููุง
ูุงููููู ูู
ูุฃู ุญููููู ุงูุฃุฑุฌุงุกู
25. And ships with towering citadels as if
They tread the clouds and descend the darkness.
ูขูฅ. ูุงูุณูููู ู
ุฑููุฉู ุงูููุงุนู ูุฃูููู
ุชุทุฃู ุงูุณุญุงุจูุ ูุชูุจูุทู ุงูุฏุฃู
26. They carried Egyptโs conquerors and landed
At the Nile, an army and banners from them.
ูขูฆ. ุญู
ูุชู ูู
ุตุฑู ุงููุงุชุญููู ูุทูููุญูุชู
ุจุงููููู ู
ู ุฌูุญูููููุงุ ูููููุงุกู
27. If only he could, he would ward off their affliction from you
And make every shipโs timbers take flight,
ูขูง. ููู ุงุณุชุทุงุน ูุฑุฏูู ุนููู ุจูุงุกูููู
ูุฃุทุงุฑู ูููู ุณูููุฉู ุฃุดููุงุกู
28. Or if he possessed the power, he would marshal the darkness
And summon the meteorites and rally the winds,
ูขูจ. ุฃู ูุงู ูู
ูููู ูุฏุฑุฉู ุญูุดูุฏู ุงูุฏููุฌูู
ููุถุง ุงูุฑุฌูู
ูุ ูุฌูููุฏู ุงูุฃููุงุกู
29. Summon his nimble ships and they would come,
He would hurl at them fate and reverse destiny.
ูขูฉ. ูุฏุนุง ุบูุงุฑูุจููู ุงูุฎูุงูู ูุฃููุจูููุชู
ู ุจูุง ูุฏุฑูุงุ ูุฑุฏูู ูุถูุงุกู
30. So recount the march of life and repeat
What was secretly of its news, and what was public.
ูฃู . ูุงุณุชุนุฑุถู ุณูููุฑู ุงูุญูุงุฉู ูุฑุฏููุฏูู
ุง ุณุฑูู ู
ู ุฃูุจุงุฆููููููุ ูุณุงุกู
31. And take from your past an example
And from the new, a lesson and hope,
ูฃูก. ูุฎูุฐูู ูููู
ููู ู
ู ูุฏูู
ูู ุฃูููุจูุฉู
ู ุงูุฌุฏูุฏ ุชูุนููููุฉู ูุฑุฌุงุกู
32. Alas, shores of Egypt, and the world an abode
That yearns for you, morning and evening,
ูฃูข. ุฅููู ุดูุงุทุฆู ู
ุตุฑูุ ูุงูุฏููุง ู
ุชููู ุฅูููู ุจูุง ุตุจุงุญู ู
33. You conjured the dreams of spring, and they came,
You summoned fair summer, and it arrived,
ูฃูฃ. ูุงุฌูุชู ุฃุญูุงู
ู ุงูุฑุจูุนูุ ูุฃูุจูุชู
ูุฃุดุฑุชู ููุตููู ุงููุณูู
ูุ ูุฌุงุกู
34. Desiring you of the prime of time and its intimacy
Whatever you wished of lifeโs joy and well-being,
ูฃูค. ููุญุจููู ู
ู ุตููู ุงูุฒู
ุงูู ูุฃูููุณููู
ุง ุดุฆุชู ู
ู ู
ูุฑูุญู ุงูุญูุงุฉูุ ูุดุงุกู
35. And tomorrow a gleam will shine on your brow
Eternity imprinting its brilliant markings,
ูฃูฅ. ูุบุฏูุง ุชุถูุกู ุนูู ุฌูุจูููู ูู
ุทุจุนู ุงูุฎููุฏู ุณู
ุงุชูููุง ุงูุบูุฑููุงุกู
36. It will tremble from it upon your shores a kiss
The breeze leaned in to listen, and withdrew shyly.
ูฃูฆ. ูุชุฑููู ู
ููููู ุนูู ุซูุบููุฑููู ูุจูุฉู
ุฃุตุบูู ุงููุณูู
ููุงุ ูุบุถูู ุญูุงุกู
37. So welcome the beautiful summer, and prepare
For poetry in you a singing, inspiring companion,
ูฃูง. ูุงุณุชูุจูู ุงูุตููู ุงูุฌู
ูููุ ูููููุฆู
ููุดููุนูุฑู ูููู ุฎู
ูููุฉู ุบูููุงุกู
38. And listen to the melody of imagination, reserve
For me above your waters a white rock,
ูฃูจ. ูุชุณู
ููุนูู ูุญูู ุงูุฎูุงููุ ูุฃูุฑูุฏูู
ูู ููู ู
ุงุฆููู ุตูุฎูุฑูุฉู ุจูุถุงุกู
39. And display the houris of paradise, unleash
The language of heaven, and inspire the poets.
ูฃูฉ. ูุงุณุชุนุฑุถู ุญูุฑู ุงูุฌููุงููุ ูุฃุทููููู
ูุบูุฉู ุงูุณู
ุงุกูุ ูุฃูููููู
ูู ุงูุดุนุฑุงุกู