1. How many a sanguine night I spent, shrouded in its darkness,
The hand of a rebel unsheathing the sword of his whims.
١. كم ليلةٍ حمراءَ خِلْتُ ظلامَها
يَدَ ماردٍ سَلَّتْ خضيبَ حُسامِ
2. As if each cloud in its horizon,
Were the specter of sin looming over a bloody honor.
٢. وكأنَّ كلَّ سحابةٍ في أُفقها
شَبَحُ الخطيئةِ فوق عِرْضٍ دامِي
3. As if its stars were the windows of a tavern,
Where smoke drank the gleam of the cup.
٣. وكأنَّ أنجمها نوافذُ حانةٍ
شَرِبَ الدُّخانُ بها بريقَ الجامِ
4. As if the city lights beneath it,
Were the lamps of temptation on the path of sin.
٤. وكَأَنَّ أنوارَ المدينةِ تَحْتَهَا
سُرُجُ الغوايةِ في طريق حَرامِ
5. The air grew still within it, so its whispers
Were but fiery gusts in a blast of gloom.
٥. همدَ الهواءُ بها فجهدُ حَراكِهِ
هَبَوَاتُ نارٍ في نفيثِ قَتَامِ
6. As if space itself were suffocating, and all that was in it
Was a victim, or nearing slaughter.
٦. وكأنما اختنقَ الفضاءُ فكلُّ ما
فيه صريعٌ أو وشيكُ حِمامِ
7. I found myself, a body whose soul was being stolen
By lustful storms, defiled with sins.
٧. ألفيتُني جسدًا تُسارقُ رُوحَهُ
قُبَلٌ عواصفُ ضُرِّجَتْ بأثامِ
8. I braved them and shook with pain from their stings,
As if they were the deadly draught of poisons in my blood.
٨. أجتاحُها وأضجُّ من لذعاتها
فكأنَّها بدمي نقيعُ سُمامِ
9. And in the hands of an inebriated and drugged woman,
I delighted, like one made drunk on bitter nectar.
٩. وعلى يَدَيْ مسمورةٍ مخمورةٍ
ألتذُّ كالمقرورِ حرَّ ضرامِ
10. My thoughts waning, my strength squandered,
My passions and dreams fading away.
١٠. متضائلَ الأفكار مهدورَ القُوَى
متزايلَ الأهواءِ والأحلامِ
11. Who is she? She is they, they my temptresses,
In elegant dress, or shapely figure.
١١. هي من تُرَى؟ هيَ هنَّ، هنَّ جواذبي
بأنيقِ ثوبٍ، أو رشيق قوامِ
12. The wanderers, returning at dawn,
Dispelling each darkness behind them.
١٢. الشارداتُ العائداتُ مع الضُّحَى
الطارداتُ وراءَ كلِّ ظلامِ
13. They whom if I awakened, I would seek from them
Refuge and peace.
١٣. هن اللواتي إنْ صحوتُ فإِنَّنِي
منهنَّ طالبُ مَهْرَبٍ وسلامِ
14. I extinguished my youth upon their lips,
And slaughtered my love between their eyes!
١٤. أخمدتُ فوق شفاههنَّ شبيبتي
وذبحتُ بين عيونهنَّ غرامي!