تعزية صديق
Shall I offer you solace?
عرش هوى
Speak, O fate made manifest
نعي الشتاء
Night and day are balanced,
أي الشاعرين
The eloquent poet, the gentle one, the genius
ظلع وشيب
And I endure the sorrows of life
في ربا الخلد
In the garden of immortality, O son of Abdul Majeed
تحية لبنان
The eternity has two fortresses: and Lebanon is the fortress of eternity
He plans the land with skill and care
ما تعطي غدا
Say to Minister Ahmed:
آمال وآلام
You split the sky with your renewed light
معترك السباب
The swords were sheathed and the debate of insults ceased,
فقيد الإسلام
Your death has folded two things: chivalry, and the morning dew
شعب واحد ورب واحد
God is Greatest! A people whose poet
عدل السماء
The justice of heaven is manifest on earth
فديتك راحلاً
Why are you leaving so soon, my friend?
Today: No tyrannous Caesar, no Shah
رفيق الصبا
In the horror of tragedy
سفينة الموت
The river opened its mouth wide for the travelers
صفاء النفس
Let me escape from the world of worries
صانع الأجيال
They said: The teacher. I said: I do not exaggerate
حرروا النثر أيضا
They freed poetry from the shackles of al-Khalil,
أسماؤهم رتب
Among mankind are youths with lofty ambitions
آهة طفلة
I am afflicted, and know not how to explain
أنس الطبيعة
I sat upon a carpet made of sand
كأس تفيض
You are blessed by God; do not complain or grumble
جنازة السلام
When peace was born, did you nurture it before it was weaned?
فجر السلام
Realize with your dawn a distressed world
مالي وللنجم
What is it to me if a star watches over me, and I watch over it
ذكرى محمد ﷺ
This is the birthday of the son of Abd al-Muttalib
الأمل الطائح
O guide to the valley of annihilation
غريب بين قومي
To whom shall I complain, O Lord, of my distress?
سحقا لها
The reign of folly has come
صحا الشرق
Ask the East, has its dawn become yellow?
لله شعرك
Joys, O cheeks of youth
تحية الكويت
Arise, O beauty's charmer
على ضفاف الغدير
The seaside spared me a gulf of the Sea of Rum,
العلم والتاج
Farouq, O Lord of the fair hand
في الحجاب
Say to Taha: O star of literature
شبح الحرب
It is death if war rises on its feet
حسن ترقى
They said to us: good has progressed
تغريدات الصباح
Why is the poetry of the dark poet
أبا عمرو متى تقضي الليالي
O Abu Amr, when will the nights end
ليس أهلاً للجميل
You have shown kindness, O noble one
فقيد الفصحى
O sleeper in the dust, you have long been resting,
تحية العراق
I greeted Iraq's beauty
الراعي والقطيع
The flock passed by a land of fresh water and grass,
سلوا الدرجات
Ask the steps about the secret of standing still:
The mother slept beside her daughter
النشيد الوطني
Raise, O Arab nation, the banner
ما نسيناك
He who adorned you with eloquence, O friend, may God protect him, the Majestic, and protect you!
في أرض النبوة
A voice called to me from the highest world,
بطش الضعيف
A cup circulates on thirsty lips
أدب الجمال
I saw the ladies of beauty
In youth I did not grasp what happiness is
القائد خالد بن الوليد
Khalid is immortal in every age, immortal
أنصاف رجال
O youths of the Nile, O fairest of youths,
رثاء طفل
He left as if he never existed
كأس من الخروب
Say to Kuwait when you descend upon its land:
I stood questioning her: What ails her?
وطن ينادي أهله
My brother, what is the matter with this land?
نشيد عيد العلم
O Egypt, rejoice at the festival of science,
تحية السودان
O neighbor of the Nile, may God welcome you
نذير الموت
حيوا العلم
يأس وأمل
على الأعراف
تحية وقضية
قيس ولبنى
فلسفة الألم
فيلسوف الشرق
حنين إلى الماضي
لا تخدعوني بالمنى
داء ودواء
بيوت الشعراء
لي صديق
مبايعة الفاروق
من وحي الكأس
على شاطئ البحر
أنا وابناي