1. O sleeper in the dust, you have long been resting,
Dear to Alif, would that you return!
ูก. ุถุฌูุนู ุงูุชุฑุงุจุ ุฃุทูุชู ุงูุฑููุฏูุง
ุนุฒูุฒู ุนูู ุงูุถุงุฏ ุฃูุง ุชุนูุฏูุง!
2. My life, your eyes wept bitter tears,
Accustomed at misfortune to be frozen.
ูข. ุจูุชูุ ูุนู
ุฑูุ ุนูููู ุดุญุงุญู
ุชุนูููุฏูู ุนูุฏ ุงูู
ุตุงุจ ุงูุฌู
3. The Nile wept for the one who was in its purity,
And its rapids were the most fragrant roses.
ูฃ. ุจูู ุงูููู ู
ููู ูุงู ูู ุทูุฑู
ููุงูุช ุณุฌุงูุงู ุฃุดูู ูุฑูุฏุง
4. He was bidden farewell by crowds, so his virtues
Marched challenging the crowds.
ูค. ูุชู ุดููููุนุชู ุงููููุฏุ ูุณุงุฑุช
ูุงูุจููู ุชุชุญุฏููู ุงููููุฏุง
5. Had we not eulogized him, there would have risen
And cast upon each hearing an ode -
ูฅ. ููู ูู
ููุคุจููููู ูุญูุ ููุงู
ูุฃููุช ุนูู ูู ุณู
ุน ูุตูุฏุง
6. He has a life story like the scent of flowers
If only flowers were granted eternity!
ูฆ. ูู ุณูุฑุฉ ูุนุจูุฑ ุงูุฒููุฑู
ููู ุฃู ุงูุฒููุฑู ุฑูุฒููู ุงูุฎููุฏุง
7. We strew roses on his grave,
So the perfume of his earth dripped roses.
ูง. ูุซุฑูุง ุงููุฑูุฏ ุนูู ูุจุฑู
ููุทููุฑู ุทูุจู ุซุฑุงู ุงููุฑูุฏุง
8. He passed away, and he was gentle and friendly to all,
And all were intimate and loving friends to him.
ูจ. ูุถูุ ูููู ูููู ุฎููููุ ูุฏูุฏ
ููุงู ูู ุงููููู ุฎูุงุ ูุฏูุฏุง
9. He lived so he lived only nobly,
And he died so he died only a martyr.
ูฉ. ูุนุงุดุ ูู
ุง ุนุงุด ุฅูุง ูุฑูู
ุงุชุ ูู
ุง ู
ุงุช ุฅูุง ุดููุฏุง
10. He carried out his mission in life,
And had it not been for havoc, he would have sought more.
ูกู . ูุฃุฏููู ุฑุณุงูุชูู ูู ุงูุญูุงุฉ
ููููุง ุงูุฑุฏูุ ูุชูุฎู ุงูู
11. In the time of struggle, they extended his life,
But death refuses him a prolonged life.
ูกูก. ูู
ุฏูููุง ูู ูู ุฒู
ุงู ุงูุฌูุงุฏู
ููุฃุจู ูู ุงูู
ูุชู ุนู
ูุฑูุง ู
12. A youth who attained by gentleness what cannot be attained,
And gentleness has might that crushes iron.
ูกูข. ูุชู ูุงู ุจุงูููู ู
ุง ูุง ูููุงูู
ููููููู ุจุฃุณู ูููููู ุงูุญุฏูุฏุง
13. The wild beasts were tamed by his words,
And embers turned into cool water.
ูกูฃ. ุชุฑุงุถู ุงููุญูุดู ุจุฃููุงุธู
ูููููุจู ุงูุฌู
ุฑู ู
ุงุกู ุจูุฑูุฏุง
14. He managed affairs with pure deliberation,
So he folded the enemy, and pleased the envious.
ูกูค. ูุณูุณ ุงูุฃู
ูุฑู ุจู
ุญุถู ุงูุฃูุงุฉู
ููุทูู ุงูุนุฏูููุ ูููุฑูุถู ุงูุญุณูุฏุง
15. He was nothing but a son of India in dreams,
And the dreamer is inspired by him to rule!
ูกูฅ. ูู
ุง ูุงู ูู ุงูุญูู
ุฅูุง ุงุจูู ููุฏู
ูุฐู ุงูุญูู
ุฃุฎููู ุจู ุฃู ูุณูุฏุง!
16. Muhammad, if youth could be ransomed,
We would give it to death for your sake, underpriced.
ูกูฆ. ู
ุฏูุ ูู ุชููุชุฏูู ุจุงูุดุจุงุจู
ุจุฐููุงู ููู
ูุช ููู ุฒููุฏุง
17. I knew you smiling at life,
Seeing each day that shaded you as a feast,
ูกูง. ุนูุฏุชู ู
ูุง ููุญูุงุฉู
ุชุฑู ูููู ููู
ุฃุธููููู ุนูุฏุง
18. With a radiant face, like the face of spring,
When it exudes fragrance, and the branches burgeon.
ูกูจ. ุจูุฌูู ุทูููุ ููุฌู ุงูุฑุจูุนู
ุฅุฐุง ุทุงุจ ููุญูุงุ ูุฃูุฑูู ุนูุฏุง
19. You never complained of the vicissitudes of fate,
As if you had taken assurances from it.
ูกูฉ. ููู
ุชูุดููู ู
ู ุญุงุฏุซ ุงูุฏูุฑ ููู
ูุฃููู ู
ูู ุฃูุฎุฐุชู ุงูุนููุฏุง
20. Verily that is the secret of certainty -
You were granted certainty, so you lived happy.
ูขู . ุฃููุง ุฅู ุฐูู ุณุฑูู ุงูููููู
ุฑูุฒูุช ุงููููููุ ููุนูุดูุชู ุณุนูุฏุง
21. You prostrated to your Lord when foreheads
Prostrated to other than Allah prolonged.
ูขูก. ุณุฌุฏุชู ูุฑุจู ุญูู ุฃุทุงูุชู
ุฌุจุงูู ูุบูุฑ ุงูุฅูู ุงูุณููุฌููุฏุง
22. I sanctify in you piety and righteousness,
I sanctify in you the Most Perfect, the Most Praiseworthy.
ูขูข. ุฃูุฏููุณู ููู ุงูุชูู ูุงูุตูุงุญู
ุฃูุฏููุณู ููู ุงูุฎูุงู ุงูุญู
23. I knew you calling to good character as religion,
And chanting about good deeds as anthems.
ูขูฃ. ุนูุฏุชู ุชุฏุนู ุฅูู ุงูุฎูููู ุฏูููุง
ูุชูุชูู ุจุงูุตุงูุญุงุชู ูุดูุฏุง
24. Through you wafted, like a soft breeze,
So it bore witness to what you were saying.
ูขูค. ูุฑูููุชู ุฎููุงูู ู
ุซูู ุงููุณูู
ููุงูุช ุนูู ู
ุง ุชููู ุดููุฏุง
25. I knew you working behind the scenes,
And exerting efforts behind the efforts.
ูขูฅ. ุนูุฏุชู ุชุนู
ูู ุฎููููู ุงูุณุชุงุฑู
ูุชูุจุฐูู ุฅุซุฑ ุงูุฌููุฏ ุงูุฌููุฏุง
26. You were preparing glorious prestige for the Dhofari state,
And inspiring lasting prestige for the Dhofari state.
ูขูฆ. ุชููููููุฆู ููุถุงุฏ ู
ุฌุฏูุง ุทุฑูููุง
ูุชุจุนุซู ููุถุงุฏ ู
ุฌุฏูุง ุชููุฏุง
27. You were extolling it in tranquility and silence,
And warding harm from it, if it was intended.
ูขูง. ุชูุดูุฏ ุจูุง ูู ุณููู ูุตู
ูุชุฏูุน ุนููุง ุงูุฃุฐู ุฅู ุฃุฑูุฏุง
28. They are unnoticed efforts, that even inanimate objects sense,
And they deny that they exist.
ูขูจ. ุฌููุฏู ูุญุณูู ุจูููู ุงูุฌู
ูุชููุฑ ุฃู ููู ูุฌูุฏุง
29. O Abi Jabir, every living being will come
To his demise, unwilling or willing.
ูขูฉ. ุฃุจูุง ุฌุงุจุฑุ ูููู ุญู ูุตูุฑู
ุฅูู ุญุชููุ ูุงุฑููุงุ ุฃู ู
30. On earth we grow like the growth of plants,
And death plucks us like ripened harvest.
ูฃู . ุนูู ุงูุฃุฑุถ ููู
ู ูู
ููู ุงููุจุงุชู
ููููุทูุง ุงูู
ูุชู ุญูุจูุง ุญุตูุฏุง
31. One day we will tread the path of ancestors -
We are not more fortunate than them, ancestors.
ูฃูก. ุณูุณูููู ููู
ูุง ุณุจููู ุงูุฌุฏูุฏู
ููุณูุง ุจุฃุณุนุฏู ู
32. I asked about the earth, what has it said?
They said: A lair that nourishes serpents.
ูฃูข. ุณุฃูุชู ุนู ุงูุฃุฑุถ: ู
ุงุฐุง ุฃููุชุ
ููุงููุง: ู
ููุฏู ุชุบุฐููู ูุญูุฏุง
33. And I have not seen death as an ancient affliction
That corroded nation, and annihilated Thamud.
ูฃูฃ. ููู
ุฃุฑู ูุงูู
ูุช ุฏุงุกู ูุฏูู
ุนุงุฏูุงุ ูุฃููู ุซู
34. So why is it that whenever someone dies,
We drink from sorrow a new color?
ูฃูค. ูู
ุง ุจุงููุง ููู
ุง ู
ุงุช ู
ุดูุฑูุจูุง ู
ู ุงูุญุฒู ููููุง ุฌุฏูุฏุงุ
35. I saw weeping comforting the grieving one,
But it does not bring back the departed.
ูฃูฅ. ุฑุฃูุชู ุงูุจูุงุกู ูุนุฒู ุงูุญุฒููู
ููููู ูุง ูุฑุฏู ุงููููุฏุง
36. By your life, death is but release,
For life overflows with shackles.
ูฃูฆ. ูุนู
ุฑููุ ู
ุง ุงูู
ูุชู ุฅูุง ุงูุทูุงูู
ูุฅู ุงูุญูุงุฉู ุชููุถู ูููุฏุง
37. Why did Zuheir complain about life,
And the prolonging of survival bore Labid?
ูฃูง. ุนูุงู
ู ุชุดูููู ุงูุญูุงุฉู ุฒูููุฑู
ูุฃุถุฌุฑู ุทููู ุงูุจูุงุก ูุจูุฏุงุ
38. O Abi Jabir, the face of life has become ugly,
And the land has become enslaved to ruins!
ูฃูจ. ุฃุจุง ุฌุงุจุฑูุ ุดุงูู ูุฌูู ุงูุญูุงุฉู
ูุตุงุฑ ุงููุฑู ููุญูุทุงู
39. Neither is living still delectable,
Nor has death become a lasting adversary.
ูฃูฉ. ููุง ุงูุนูุดู ุฃู
ุณู ููุนูุถูู ุนููู
ููุง ุงูู
ูุชู ุฃุตุจุญ ุฎุตู
ูุง ูุฏูุฏุง
40. And what good deeds have you left behind?
You left wars that turn the infant grey.
ูคู . ูู
ุงุฐุง ุชุฑูุช ู
ู ุงูุทูููุจุงุชูุ
ุชุฑูุชู ุญุฑูุจูุง ุชุดูุจ ุงููููุฏุง
41. The skins of slain are watered by blood,
And the ears of the era are filled with thunder.
ูคูก. ุชูุฑููู ุฃุฏูู
ู ุงูุซุฑู ุจุงููุฌูุนู
ูุฃ ุณู
ุนู ุงูุฒู
ุงู ุฑุนูุฏุง
42. Wars ignited by the wicked,
So the innocent become fuel.
ูคูข. ุญุฑูุจ ูุณุนููุฑูุง ุงูุฃุดููุงุกู
ูุชุชุฎุฐู ุงูุฃุจุฑูุงุกู ูููุฏุง
43. They have become melting people like ice,
But in Egypt there is an icy people.
ูคูฃ. ุบุฏุช ุชูุตููุฑู ุงููุงุณ ู
ุซูู ุงูุฌููุฏู
ูููููู ูู ู
ุตุฑ ุดุนุจูุง ุฌููุฏุง
44. When the earth extends with its inhabitants,
We have a homeland that will not tilt.
ูคูค. ุฅุฐุง ุงูุฃุฑุถ ู
ุงุฏุชู ุจุณูุงููุง
ูุฅู ููุง ูุทููุง ูู ูู
45. O Abi Jabir, we have not forgotten loyalty,
Nor have wars taught us estrangement.
ูคูฅ. ุฃุจุง ุฌุงุจุฑุ ู
ุง ูุณููุง ุงูููุงุกู
ููุง ุนูููู
ุชูุง ุงูุญุฑูุจู ุงูุฌุญูุฏุง
46. โDar Al Uloomโ extolled your memory,
For you were only its wise graduate,
ูคูฆ. ุฃุดุงุฏุชู ุจุฐูุฑู ยซุฏุงุฑู ุงูุนููู
ุง ููุชู ุฅูุง ูุชุงูุง ุงูุฑุดูุฏุง
47. And the clasp of its necklace,
Even if the rest of it is scattered pearls.
ูคูง. ููุงุณุทุฉ ุงูุนูุฏ ูู ูุญุฑูุง
ูุฅู ูุงู ุจุงููู ุฏุฑุง ูุถูุฏุง
48. By your life, the school still has its people,
And the forest still grows its lions.
ูคูจ. ูุนู
ุฑููุ ู
ุงุฒุงู ููุฏุงุฑ ุฃููู
ุงุฒุงูุช ุงูุบุงุจู ุชูู
ู ุงูุฃุณูุฏุง
49. If it gave birth to you, how many
Of Egyptโs pebbles and wise opinions did it sire!
ูคูฉ. ูุฆู ุฃูุฌุจุชููุ ููู
ุตุฑ ุญุตุงุฉูุ ูุฑุฃููุง ุณุฏูุฏูุง
50. It produced a nose that smells heights
When some noses smell only the countryside.
ูฅู . ูุฃูููุง ุฃุดู
ูู ูุฒูุฏ ุงุฑุชูุงุนูุง
ุฅุฐุง ุดู
ูู ุจุนุถู ุงูุฃููู ุงูุตุนูุฏุง
51. Men in an age of ignorance appeared
Like stars piercing dark nights.
ูฅูก. ุฑุฌุงู ุจุนุตุฑ ุงูุฌูุงูุฉ ูุงุญูุง
ูุง ุชุดููู ููุงููู ุณูุฏุง
52. They carried the banner of Dhofar until
They restored Jafar and Al-Rashid to it.
ูฅูข. ูู
ู ุญู
ููุง ุฑุงูุฉ ุงูุถุงุฏ ุญุชู
ุฃุนุงุฏูุง ููุง ุฌุนูุฑุง ูุงูุฑุดูุฏุง
53. When Egypt glimpses their traces,
It inclines from straying, graciously.
ูฅูฃ. ุฅุฐุง ูู
ุญุช ู
ุตุฑ ุขุซุงุฑูู
ุชุซููุช ู
ู ุงูุชูู ุนูุทููุง ูุฌูุฏุง
54. It has not seen men more loyal than them,
Or troops more self-denying than them.
ูฅูค. ููู
ุชูุฑู ุฃุฎูุตู ู
ูุฃููุฑ ููุฐุงุช ู
55. When war flared up, they rose to their feet,
And when spoils were divided, they remained seated.
ูฅูฅ. ุฅุฐุง ุดุจููุช ุงูุญุฑุจุ ูุจูุง ููุงู
ูุฅู ููุณููู
ุงูููุกุ ุธููุง ูุนูุฏุง
56. People do not consider โDar Al Uloomโ
A building erected on Egyptian land,
ูฅูฆ. ููุง ูุญุณุจ ุงููุงุณ ยซุฏุงุฑ ุงูุนููู
ุจูุงุกู ุนูู ุฃุฑุถ ู
ุตุฑ ู
57. For it has branches in Iraq,
And it has borders in Hejaz.
ูฅูง. ูุฅู ููุง ุจุงูุนุฑุงู ูุตููุงู
ูุฅู ููุง ูู ุงูุญุฌุงุฒ ุญุฏูุฏุง
58. If it raised a banner in Kenya,
Then it raised banners in other places.
ูฅูจ. ุฅุฐุง ุฑูุนุช ูู ุงูููุงูุฉ ุจูุฏูุง
ููุฏ ุฑูุนุช ูู ุณูุงูุง ุจููุฏูุง
59. A school for the mother of languages, he who built it
Built for Arabism a sturdy edifice.
ูฅูฉ. ู
ุซุงุจุฉ ุฃู
ุงููุบูุ ู
ู ุจูุงูุง
ุจูู ููุนุฑูุจุฉ ุตุฑุญูุง ูุทูุฏุง