
Your death has folded two things: chivalry, and the morning dew

فقيد الإسلام

1. Your death has folded two things: chivalry, and the morning dew
And made two groups weep: loved ones, and enemies!!

١. طَوى موتُكَ اثنين: المروءةَ، والنَّدى
وأبكى فريقين: الأحبَّةَ، والعِدَا!!

2. It has disabled a pasture for the eloquent, and a pulpit
And undermined a firmly established edifice for Islam

٢. وعَطَّلَ للفصحى يراعًا، ومنبرًا
وقوَّضَ للإِسلام صرحًا مُمرَّدَا

3. Blessed is my Lord! Who is left for the religion of Muhammad?
Will it become in the world a stranger as it began?

٣. تباركت ربِّي! من لدين محمدٍ؟
أيصبحُ في الدنيا غريبًا كما بدا؟

4. The news of your death crept on the margins of night like embers
And almost set the charcoal of night ablaze

٤. سرى في حواشِي الليل نعيُك جمرةً
فأوشَكَ فحمُ الليل أن يَتَوقَّدا

5. It fell whispering from the lips of its narrators
So it flashed between ribs and rumbled

٥. تساقط همسًا من شفاه رُواته
فأبرَقَ ما بين الضلوع وأرعَدا

6. And shook the horizons of the East, until they wondered in awe:
Has the day of the Imam been renewed?

٦. وهزَّ ربُوعَ الشَّرق، حتى تساءلَت
مِن الهَول: هل يومُ الإمام تجدَّدَا؟

7. You were indeed a remainder of the Imam's guidance
So when we lost it, we lost Muhammad

٧. لقد كنتَ من هدى الإمام بقيَّةً
فلما فقدناها، فقدنا محمدًا

8. Does the populated Al-Azhar know whom it has lamented
And which of God's swords are now sheathed in the soil?

٨. هل الأزهرُ المعمورُ يعرفُ من نعى
وأيَّ سيوفِ اللهِ في التُّربِ أَغمَدا؟

9. You were a flawless sword in his grip
And a sword's grip may wrong the polished blade

٩. لقد كنتَ سيفًا لا يُفل بكفِّه
وقد تِظلمُ الكَفُّ الحسامَ المَهنَّدا

10. You were truly free to pave a way to supremacy for your people
Had time spared you from its havoc

١٠. وكنتَ حريًّا أن تشُقَّ لأهله
سبيلَ العُلاَ، لو كان أَمهلَكَ الردى

11. You came as a grieved physician for its wounds
By God, you did no wrong, but time was too short

١١. أتيتَ طبيبًا آسيًا لجراحه
فوالله، ما قصَّرتَ، بل قَصُرَ المَدى

12. You tended to it for a while, gaining no profit
But suffering for its prosperity instead of seeking power

١٢. تَولَّيْتَهُ حينًا، فلم تجن مغنمًا
معاذَ العُلاَ بل كنت تَشقَى ليَسعدا

13. Your blessed era saw auspicious visions
But they did not last beyond the awakening

١٣. رَأَى عهدك الميمون رؤيا سعيدةً
ولكنها في الصَّحْوِ ما ذهبت سُدى

14. If your era was but a glimpse in time
Yours was an eternal era in reform

١٤. لئِن كان في الحُسبان عهدُكَ لمحةً
لقد كان في الإصلاح عهدُك سرمدا

15. You have left a place whose void cannot be filled
And left behind those who toil to follow in your steps

١٥. تركت مكانًا لا يُسدُّ فراغُه
وخلَّفتَ مَن يَسعى وراءَكُ مُجهَدا

16. Your pure sincerity has exposed many hypocrites
And bred rebellion in some souls

١٦. طَهُرتَ فأعرى طهرُكَ المحضُ معشرًا
وولَّدَ في بعض النفوس التمرُّدا

17. You were an example of asceticism, not out of miserliness
While others bow down before money in worship

١٧. وكنتَ مثالَ الزُّهد لا عن خصاصةٍ
إذا خرَّ بعضُ الناس للمال سُجَّدا

18. When rogues are immune from harm
You had no use for such a weapon

١٨. إذا عَصَم اللؤمُ اللئيمَ من الأَذى
فقد كنتَ من هذا السلاح مجردَّا

19. You carried the banner of the East in the West, and Eastern demeanor was clothed
With you in dignity and steadfastness

١٩. رفعتَ لواءَ الشَّرقِ في الغرب، واكتسى
بك المظهرُ الشَّرقُي عزًّا وسُؤدُدا

20. Your attire was graced by nobility and piety
The former tailored it, the latter gave it away as charity

٢٠. وزَانَكَ ثوبٌ زانهُ النُّبلُ، والتُّقى
فلُحمَتهُ هذا، وذاكَ له سدى

21. A group has demeaned the significance of the turban
So you upheld it firmly between the two sides of your head

٢١. لقد غَّض من شأن العمامةِ معشرٌ
فَشِدتَ لها بين السماكين مقعدا

22. A Nile wept a flood the likes of which
Never poured forth purer or more copiously for replenishment

٢٢. بكى النيلُ نيلاً كان في مثل طهره
ولكنه أصفى وأنقعَ للصَّدى

23. A spring of knowledge has diminished, its well running dry
And treasure in the hands of the poor has been squandered

٢٣. خضمٌ من العرفان غاض مَعينُهُ
وكنزٌ بأيدي المُعوزين تبدَّدَا

24. If his good deed has captivated the noble souls
How many an imprisoned opinion has he freed

٢٤. لئن أسرَ الأحرارَ حُسنُ صنيعه
فكم أطلقَ الرأيَ الأسيرَ المَقَّيدا

25. A young man who liberated Islam from the slavery of a group
Who see the bold and free as non-monotheists

٢٥. فتًى حرَّرَ الإسلامَ من رِقَّ معشرٍ
يَرون الجريءَ الحرَّ ليس مُوحِّدا

26. He fully performed the duties of nation and religion
And exercised wisdom and fairness in all matters

٢٦. قضى واجب الأوطان والدين كاملاً
وأصدر في كلِّ الأمور وأورَدَا

27. He did not spend his life in the shadows of monasteries
Sitting idle, for the true Muslim is no idler

٢٧. ولم يقض في ظلِّ الصوامع عيشهُ
قعيدًا، وليس المسلمُ الحقُّ قُعددا

28. Science saw in him a philosopher, and religion
Saw none but a devoted worshipper

٢٨. رَأى العلمُ فيه فيلسوفًا، وما رأَى
به الدينُ إلا قانتًا مُتعبِّدا

29. So say to the rigid nonconformists: Gently!
Since when is piety ritual prayer and mosque?

٢٩. فقُل للتُّفاةِ الجامدين: رويدَكم
متى كانت التَّقوى صلاةً ومسجدا؟

30. Not everyone who attends temples is a believer
Nor is everyone who employs reason an atheist

٣٠. وما كلُّ من يغشى المعابد مؤمنًا
ولا كلُّ من يستَخدمُ العقلَ مُلحدا

31. Only yesterday we carried his coffin on our shoulders
It almost spilled his remains from the escaping sighs!

٣١. حملنَا على الأعناق بالأمس نعشهُ
وقد كاد يُزجيه زفيرٌ تصعَّدا!

32. How many eyes shed tears copiously like springs
How many cheeks were furrowed by tears!

٣٢. لكم ثَمَّ عينٌ سال كالعين ماؤها
وكم ثَمَّ خذ بالدموع تَخدَّدا!

33. The caravan of mortality took him, and whoever gladly travels
That unknown path travels far

٣٣. وسار به ركبُ الفناءِ، ومن يسر
به الرَّكبُ في تلك المجاهل أبعدا

34. They halted at the bridge of death, their journey ended
And turned towards a lofty erected edifice

٣٤. وحَطُّوا على جسر المنيَّة رَحلةُ
ومالوا به بُرجًا منيعًا مُشيَّدًا

35. There my heart stopped its pulsation
And my blood congealed between veins

٣٥. فخلتُ فؤادي كفَّ عن خفقانه
وخلتُ دمي بين العُروق تجمَّدا

36. It was there I sensed the horror of separation
And sanctified the singularly Eternal Lord

٣٦. هنالِك أحسَسْتُ الفراقَ وهولَه
وقدَّستُ ربًّا بالبقاء تفردَّا

37. O disappointment for hopes after Mustafa!
Your hopes in Egypt had a knot

٣٧. فيا ضيعةَ الآمالِ من بعدِ مصطفى!
لقد كان للآمال في مصرَ معقدا

38. A young man who attained no rank but declined them
He took from its supremacy only what he took

٣٨. فتى ما أوته بل أواها مناصبٌ
تقلَّدَ من عليائها ما تقلَّدا

39. If people make ranks a trade
He gained from them no day's provision, nor was adorned

٣٩. إذا اتَّخذ الناس المناصبَ متجرًا
فما اقتات منها قوتَ يومٍ ولا ارتَدَى

40. Ask the politicians of the Nile Valley: Wasn't Mustafa
The most ascetic of selves and purest of hands?

٤٠. سلوا سَاسةَ الوادي: أما كان مصطفى
أعفَّهُمو نفسًا، وأنزهَهُم يدا؟

41. He was the steady mountain, in dignity and composure
When raging misfortune rose and sat

٤١. هو الجبل الراسي؛ حجًا، ورزانةً
إذا الحادثُ الطاغي أقام وأقعدا

42. The waters of the sea recede from his sides
When the turbulent sea roars and foams

٤٢. تَزلُّ مياهُ البحر عن جَنَباتهِ
إذا البحر في الأنواء أرغَى وأزبدا

43. Silent when silence is eloquent
And if he spoke, his words flew straight like arrows

٤٣. صموتٌ، إذا ما الصمتُ كان بلاغةً
فإن قال، راشَ القولَ سهمًا مسدَّدا

44. Piercing his target like a spearhead
Yet pliant like a branch in cordiality

٤٤. وينفذ مثلَ النَّصل فيما يُريده
وإن كان غُصنًا في الوداعةِ أملَدا

45. Free, his liveliness ever increasing
When the horizon is shrouded in thick clouds

٤٥. طليقٌ محيَّاهُ يزيدُ بشاشةً
إذا الأفْقُ بالغيم الكثيف تَلَبَّدا

46. He challenged the despairing and aspiring alike
In determination, ambition, origin and purpose

٤٦. تحَدَّى العصامِّيين؛ عزمًا، وهمَّةً
وِبذَّ العظاميِّين؛ أصلاً، ومَحتِدا

47. Some of the principles that nurtured him
Could, if a star gained but a fraction, rouse it from its orbit

٤٧. نمتهُ أصولٌ لو نمى النجمَ بعضُها
لحرَّكَ عِطفَيه من التِّيهِ إن بدا

48. And a house raised him, whose elder serves people
Even if the child in it is born a master

٤٨. وربَّاه بيتٌ يخدمُ الناسَ شيخهُ
وإن كان فيه الطِّفلُ يولدُ سيِّدا

49. His foundation is built on righteousness and piety
Constructed from bricks of knowledge and religion

٤٩. على البرِّ والتقوى تأسّسَ ركنُهُ
ومن لبنات العلمِ والدين شُيِّدا

50. The blossoms of literature thrived around his fence
And the birds of rhetoric chirped within

٥٠. نما زَهرُ الآداب حولَ سياجه
وصاحَ به طيرُ البيان مُغرِّدا

51. The fruits of thought flourished in the shade of his garden
As refined poetry was sung in it

٥١. وطابت ثمارُ الفكرِ في ظلِّ روضه
وأُنشدَ فيه الشعرُ درًّا منضَّدا

52. You see in it Al-Shafi'i, Malik
And meet Ibn 'Abbad in it, and Al-Mubarrad

٥٢. تُشاهدُ فيه الشافعيَّ، ومالكًا
وتلقى ابنَ عبَّاد به، والمُبَرِّدا

53. Knowledge has a gathering in it - what gathering!
And the heights of literature have a forum there

٥٣. فَلِلعلم فيه سامرٌ أيُّ سامرٍ
وللأدبِ العالي هنالك مُنتدى

54. And when Egypt called, its domes fluttered
Its songs almost bursting into echo

٥٤. ولما دعت مصرُ، اشرأبَت قبابُهُ
وكادَت مغانيه تصيخُ إلى الندا

55. The cause knocked at its door with its right hand
So he sacrificed his pure blood as ransom

٥٥. ودقِّت بيمناها القضيَّةُ بابهُ
فقدَّم من حرِّ الدماء لها الفدا

56. Egypt built the house of the Razzakiyya as a fortress
And reared its children as brave battalions

٥٦. بنت مصرُ بيتَ الرازقيِّين قلعةً
ورَّبَّت بنيه للكتائبِ قُوَّدا

57. He teaches the zealous youth to serve the cause
As students of principles attend his school

٥٧. يُلقِّنُ فتيان الحمى خدمةَ الحمى
ويغشاه طلاَّبُ المبادئ معهدا

58. Imam of guidance, you performed what God has commanded
And left a paved path for those who follow

٥٨. إمامَ الهدى، أدَّيتَ لله حقَّهُ
وخلَّفت للساري طريقًا مُعبَّدا

59. Pages of glory whose blossoms the stars envy
As the stars are guided by its lanterns

٥٩. صحائفُ مجدٍ تيَّم الزَّهر نفحها
وسار على مِشكاتها النجمُ؛ فاهتدى

60. By my life! Had death spared me
To kiss its hands, you would have lived immortalized

٦٠. لعمري، لوَ أن الموتَ أبقى علي
لبيضِ أياديه، لعشتَ مُخلَّدا

61. I knew you aspired for poetry, so take it
But can the secluded hear the chanter from afar?

٦١. عهدتُكَ تهفو للقريض؛ فهاكَهُ
وهل يسمع النَّائي المحجَّبُ مُنشدا؟

62. Upon you is God's peace from one who departs
Having fulfilled his purpose, craving no more

٦٢. عليك سلامُ الله من مُتَرَحِّل
قضى ما شكا داءً، ولا راعَ عُوَّدا

63. He walked as the angel of death counted his steps
He slumbered, bidding his family farewell before death

٦٣. مشى، ورسولُ الموت يحسبُ خطوهُ
وأَومَا، يُحيِّي أهلَهُ، فتشهَّدا

64. And he barely left our hearing when the echo of his voice faded
How then has his voice become an oft-repeated tale?

٦٤. وما بارح الأسماعَ وقعُ حديثه
فكيف به أمسى حديثًا مردَّدا؟

65. Thus the Razzakiyya pass away, their meteors falling
First slumbering, then one after another into slumber

٦٥. كذلك يقضي الرازقيُّون نحبهم
نجومٌ تهاوى؛ فرقدًا، ثم فرقدا

66. If only the world would allow one to live safely
From its woes, and be laid to rest in the grave

٦٦. لحا الله دنيا يصبحُ المرءُ آمنًا
أَذاها، ويُمسي في الضريح مُوسَّدا

67. What foolery, to ponder tomorrow
While hostage to death, guaranteeing no tomorrow!

٦٧. وما الحمقُ إلا أن تفكِّر في غدٍ
وأنتَ رهينُ الموتِ؛ لا تَضَمنُ الغدا!