
محمد العيد آل خليفة

Mohammed Al Eid Alkhalifa

رعد البشائر

With glad tidings Rumblings of thunder heralded

ويخلد الإسلام

Shine like the dawn, without you there is darkness

وداع الحجاج

Receive the graceful face of Hijaz

يا رائد الشعب

The anniversary of your death is a revival of deeds

رفاق الخير

The sumac thrived in your shade

تحية الشبيبة

O life, you were bright like the adornment of a garden before my eyes

تحية جريدة السنة

If you are a witness, investigate the basis of justice

يا بحر

O sea I ransom you with a sea

بين الشك والتشكي

Do truths in life exist

أسطر الكون

I grew weary of the vicissitudes of youth upon my life

المجد للباني

How much beauty in Constantine's buildings


Whoever does not add to knowledge an extra knowledge

في حافلة عمومية

There is no divine council in Algeria

مثال التآخي

This is an example of accord


Unlike what your name decrees, you were for me

استوح شعرك

Draw your poetry from the folds of ribs

رسم الإمام ابن باديس

This is Ibn Badis pondering the Quran

احتساب المعلم

I will settle in my home, content with my livelihood,

الرفات الحي

Blessed is Nasr with heroic deeds, witnessed


My heart was truthful so I found you foolish today

الوعد المكذوب

Oh you who responded to us with promises

يا أمة الخير

Greetings, month of spring

فابشر يا بن محي الدين

O Emir of sword and pen the redeemer

وعد تحقق

Roses blooming after winter's gloom

ويح الشباب

The youth have turned away from virtue

هذيان آشيل

Never shall the Quran be altered

عاش وقفا على الجزائر

Remember the memory of Abdelhamid Ibn Badis

صورة شوقي

A Brilliant Image (by Ahmed Shawqi)

أيها السامر

What covenant embraced the chiefs with its system,

يا فؤادي

My criticism prolonged

المرء في حقيقته المجردة

Man is but of the earth a part,

يا دار

Whites and blacks and good and evil,

الوداع الوداع

How long is death's arm


I looked at the blind man and the misery of his life

عز الأوطان

When nations call you to their aid,

العلم المرجى

When, O hoped for banner


We were raised to love Algeria, as youth


My brother, Eid has come to you harbinger of good news

هزات أرضية

These homes in Algeria do tremble

ذكرى شاعرين

Death's creation is for extinction and existence

الضيف الثقيل

You stayed by my side, oh guest, so leave

ومن يخلد إلى العلماء يخلد

We built, so the people approved the building,

كلمة في الرسالة

The God ordained religion for followers

فاتحة ثناء وابتهال

I praised You with my tongue and soul


I looked upon the wilderness with peace

دمة منهمرة على فتاة منتحرة

The tears shed for you made the valleys flow,

يا قبر

O grave, you are blessed and fragrant

قومي بنو الإسلام

O judge, I distinguish a Muslim

سحر البيان

They are the eloquent Arabs, theirs is eloquence

وقفة على بحر الجزائر

I stood by the sea of Algiers one night

فتح جديد

A new dawn has begun

أنشودة الوليد

I hold fast to Muhammad,

صدى الصحراء

A life of serenity is mine, and my home a land of peace;

أين «ليلاي»

Where is Laila, where is she

إلى روح شوقي

How strange this house is, how it turns!

اقتران اضداد

The cheerful girl held her donkey

٥ يولية ١٨٣٠

On a day like this my nation blossomed


If you throw a hand to hit,

شاعرية الرصافي

Your poetry has grown old, O Ma'rouf, though you were once a fine youth full of union and delight,

أعزم السير

Knowledge called out inviting and responding

عيد الحرم

Today is your feast, no doubt

يا قوم

O Nahda Club of Blida, none but you is of matchless virtue,

هيهات يخزى المسلمون

Praise be to the One who aids and shelters in truth,

أنشودة حلوة الغنة

Bring back the sweet singing

فقدنا مليكاً عادلاً -للمغفور له الملك عبد العزيز آل سعود

Woe to you from the one whose death thunder announced,

جمال الريف

Your love for poetry endowed passions and yearnings

منظر تاعس ناعس

My eyes saw a wretched, gloomy man

بشرى البراءة

ختمت كتاب الله


ذكرى المولد النبوي

زلزلة الأصنام

صوت من الغيب

هدى وشفاء

حسن الظن بالله

يا لها من تحفة

رأيت الأرض للساعين خلدا

ضحك الناس

صالح الأعمال

في مثل هذا اليوم ريعت أمتي

يا معشر الطلاب

وصف فوارة

الشعر والأدب

يا ليل

قوس قزح

عامان مقبل ومدبر

لوح الخيال

في ذمة الله يا خالد

يا كامل!

ويح الشيوخ

دعاك الأمل