
Whites and blacks and good and evil,

يا دار

1. Whites and blacks and good and evil,
How much contraries you contain, O world!

١. بيض وسود وأخيار وأشرار
كم تحتوين على الأضداد يا دار!

2. The throne and the floor and the events between them,
Good and evil, scarcity and abundance.

٢. العرش والفرش والأحداث بينهما
خير وشر فإقلال وإكثار

3. And the night and the morning and humankind with them
Sleepy, awake, and water and fire.

٣. والليل والصبح والإنسان عندهما
نعسان مستيقظ والماء والنار

4. And the stars like flowers: this elevated star
Shining brightly, and this faded star.

٤. والأنجم الزهر: هذا النجم مرتفع
زاهي الضياء وهذا النجم منهار

5. They appear scattered on the horizon, united
In their orbit by a revolving sphere in the sky.

٥. تبدو على الأفق أشتاتا ويجمعها
في سيرها فلك في الأفق دوار

6. It is said that on the planet Mars there are
Built structures, gardens, and rivers.

٦. قد قيل في كوكب المريخ أبنية
مشيدات وجنات وأنهار

7. And it is said that in the sea there are dunes and valleys
As on land there are waves and depths.

٧. وقيل في البحر آكام وأودية
كما على البر أنجاد وأغوار

8. The flood overflowed when it was spreading
Until damages came from it.

٨. أتى على الميز حين وهو منتشر
فاش إلى أن تأتت منه اضرار

9. How much do I see the like under the like celebrated
By it, to fulfill every need and goal?

٩. كم ذا أرى المثل دون المثل محتفلا
به لتقضى به حاج وأوطار؟

10. If the flood has a measure to limit it,
Then our events have a measure for the flood.

١٠. إن كان للميز مقدار يحد به
فإن أحداثنا للميز مقدار

11. What are musk and amber but viscous liquids
That differ? So how can musk and amber be opposed?

١١. ما المسك والقار الا مائع لزج
أحوى فكيف تنافى المسك والقار؟!

12. And how can humans distinguish
Between pebbles, rocks and gems when they are stones?

١٢. وكيف صحت من الانسان تفرقة
بين الحصا واللئالي وهي أحجار؟!

13. O world, is there a guide in you to guide me?
For I am doubtful and confused in you.

١٣. يا دار هل فيك من هاد ليرشدني
فإنني مستريب فيك محتار

14. My worries divide into parts, and will be of no use.
No one with worries like mine has parts in you.

١٤. همي تقسم أشطارا ولن تجدى
من همه مثل همي فيك أشطار

15. They toss him down and lift him in his movement
As if a whirlwind does not stop tossing him about.

١٥. يعروه خفض ورفع في تنقله
كأنه كلا يذروه إعصار

16. The blind poet would gain insight in you
If religious opinions did not blind him about you.

١٦. (أعمى المعرة) أهدى فيك تبصرة
لو لم تشط به في الدين أنظار

17. He turned away his purpose from you
Free, though feet turned away from you limping.

١٧. قد كان عنك مشيحا وجه همته
حرا وقدما تجافت عنك أخرار

18. His desire for eating meat satisfied him with
Simple loaves, and his clothing satisfied him with rags.

١٨. كفته شهوة أكل اللحم أرغفة
بسيطة وكفته الستر أطمار

19. He lived in you in isolation, not taking
A wife, though some take wives.

١٩. وعاش فيك حصورا غير متخذ
زوجا وبعض من الأزواج اصار

20. And he did not cease to avoid selfishness in you
Until he was balanced in coming and going from you.

٢٠. ولم يزل فيك للذات مجتنبا
حتى استوى منك إقبال وإدبار

21. He went on his strange, noble principle but
He had no supporters for his principle among people.

٢١. مضى بمبدئه السامي الغريب ولم
يكن لمبدئه في الناس أنصار

22. And people's nature is pottery - it hurts him
When broken, and what is complete is no longer pottery after being broken.

٢٢. وعنصر الناس فخار ألم به
كسر وما التام بعد الكسر فخار

23. O how the joking of dawn excelled in melody
But the dwellings did not applaud the joking of dawn!

٢٣. ياكم أجاد هزار الصبح من نغم
ولم يصخ لهزار الصبح ديار

24. And sadness, adhering by night, went on
Crying, so sights and hearings ignored it.

٢٤. وواصل الحزن بوم الليل ملتزما
(غاقا) فحفته أسماع وأبصار

25. And an evil neighbor dwelt in the land, so he bothered me there,
And without him there were veils and curtains!

٢٥. وجار سوء ثوى أرضي فضايقني
 فيها ومن دونه حجب وأستار!

26. He never heeded my voice when it was raised
Or saw my flowing tears when they poured.

٢٦. فما وعى قط صوتي وهو مرتفع
وما رأى قط دمعي وهو مدرار

27. I said to him, "Guard my neighborhood and respect my status,
Or leave my dwellings, O neighbor!"

٢٧. قلت له احفظ جواري وارع منزلتي
أولا فبارح دياري أيها الجار

28. And leave off your evil thinking of me, and I will reward him
By slaughtering an emaciated sheep, which is generosity.

٢٨. وخل سوء توخاني لأخلفه
في ذبح شاء عجاف وهي إيثار

29. He said, "Slaughter it in God's name." I said to him,
"Leave me, O wicked man, I am no butcher."

٢٩. قال ابتدرها على اسم الله قلت له
دعني فما أنا يا ابن اللؤم جزار

30. And a denier of the resurrection, I said to him,
"Far from benefiting you is your denial on the day of resurrection."

٣٠. ومسرف منكر للبعث قلت له
هيهات يجديك يوم البعث إنكار

31. What! Do you now deny a state that will transform
Into a state, when your creation has seen phases?

٣١. أأنت تنكر حالا تستحيل إلى
حال وخلقك رأي العين أطوار

32. Blessed is God, this universe acknowledges
That its Maker is Merciful and Powerful.

٣٢. تبارك الله هذا الكون معترف
بأن صانعه رحمان قهار

33. By His wisdom spirits stand submissive
To Him, so is there a choice among the spirited?

٣٣. قامت بحكمته الأرواح خاضعة
له فهل في ذوي الأرواح مختار؟

34. The imams, the learned, died but no affliction
Struck their limbs, and they have traces in the universe.

٣٤. مات الأئمة أهل العلم لا بليت
أوصالهم ولهم في الكون آثار

35. They left knowledge as a memento of themselves,
And nothing benefits the questioners like a memento.

٣٥. هم خلفوا العلم تذكارا لأنفسهم
وما يؤثر في السالين تذكار

36. They filled books with news, and it was not long
Before they became news in books.

٣٦. قد أفعموا الكتب أخبارا وما لبثوا
أن أصبحوا وهم في الكتب أخبار