
Your poetry has grown old, O Ma'rouf, though you were once a fine youth full of union and delight,

شاعرية الرصافي

1. Your poetry has grown old, O Ma'rouf, though you were once a fine youth full of union and delight,
I saw poetry most resembling melodies, giving the sincerest love to youth,

١. جفاك الشعر يا (معروف) شيخا
وطيب فتى به وصلا وطابا

2. I eulogized the foremost poet of the East, who failed though eminent in poetry, rising and falling,
And bent under his burden, reproaching the youth of the Two Rivers,

٢. رأيت الشعر أشبه بالغواني
يخص بصادق الحب الشبابا

3. Discharging him of blame - how then can your father be rewarded with punishment for his consequences?
A father named Iraq aspired nobly, and blazed as a comet on the horizon of the Sawad,

٣. رثيت لشاعر في الشرق فحل
خبا في الشعر طالعه وخابا

4. The tribe recognizes him as an old man, but fails to recognize him when he was young,
And people's nature is to forget hands, when their flow ebbs and hides away,

٤. وناء بعبئه حملا فأزرى
شباب الرافدين به عتابا

5. So tell the disparaged poet, despite those who reproached and blamed him,
You will live on, and no matter if your loved ones don't weep for you, be patient -

٥. أقيلوه العثار فكيف يجزى
أبوكم في عواقبه عقابا

6. You will find your reward from your Creator.

٦. أب باسم (العراق) سما عريقا
وفي أفق (السواد) نما شهابا

٧. أتعرفه العشيرة وهو كهل
وتنكره العشيرة حين شابا

٨. وطبع الناس نسيان الأيادي
إذا ما غاض موردها وغابا

٩. فقل للشاعر المزرى بعيب
ستخلد رغم من أزرى وعابا

١٠. ومهما لم يثبك ذووك فاصبر
ستلقى عند خالقك الثواب