Do not tremble, oh my fragile ego
على الرابية
Alone there on the hill
I gazed from the window of memories
يا ليل
I wish the nights would make my aching heart forget
حورية النهر
Tormented wandering souls
العش المهجور
With a gesture of observing eyes
والأمس شعرها شعري
She passed, her hair touching mine
في يوم فلسطين
O dancers on the blood of the desert
يا أبا الأحرار
The winds of dawn blew in the storm
If the stream knew of your shadow,
المساء الأخير
O lord of love, O sun, do not hasten
مفضوحة لم تبق طي خفاء
The generous ones have a country other than theirs
ذبول أزهار الدفلى
The flowers of the meadow withered
يا نهر
O river, he returns to you after his absence
شهداء الحرية
The martyr of glory will not hear blame from his mourner
The lovers say that gifts
وحي النيروز
A specter defied gunpowder and fire
ثورة 14 رمضان
A thousand tongues have come to thank you
حب وشاعر
One day a fleeting passerby asked me
ليلة القدر
O night of power preferred over ages and epochs
عرب الثأر فاهتفي يا ضحايا
The light smiled in the wounds of affliction
The palm leaves droop over the path
رثاء جدتي
Fate has surrendered me to sorrow's grasp
رئة تتمزق
My illness makes my hopes freeze,
مقطع بلا عنوان
What good is love, when you don't understand,
صحيفة الأحرار
O you who detain the newspaper of the free
يوم السفر
Who can control my heart
مأساة الميناء
Ask the harbor, did it hear this talk,
ظلال الحب
The branches are stained with blood red,
أراها غدا
Will I see her tomorrow, and forget my sorrow?
He shrouded his sighs in pages
تحية القرية
Your glances restore the charm
يوم ارتوى الثأر
With your dawn this disgrace has dispersed
في أخريات الربيع
O light of the fields, O joy of the farmer at dawn in the meadows,
The universe has become light and fire
من أغاني الربيع
إليك شكاتي
همسك الهاني
رثاء القطيع
دجلة الغضبى
لن نفترق