
A thousand tongues have come to thank you

ثورة 14 رمضان

1. A thousand tongues have come to thank you
For the kindness you have shown, but who can fully appreciate it?

١. االف لسان جاء عندك يشكر
لأيفاء ما اسديت هيهات يقدر

2. You devised a plan to restore things from ruin
And lifted your hands from it, removing all that had oppressed

٢. بعثت حيلة من رداها و نفضت
أياديك عنها كل ما كان يوقر

3. May God reward you for restoring a widow's son
And providing for him a husband who was nearly buried

٣. جزاك الأله الخير عن أم صبية
أعدت لها البعل الذي كاد يقبر

4. So the orphans through your generosity have fathers again
May the Father who ransomed them reward you, treasure and jewel

٤. فصار اليتامى من جداك ذوي أب
فداك الأب الفاديه در و جوهر

5. I walk with the rising sun shining on my brow
So my prayer rises - you have shaded me in God's protection

٥. أسير فيكسو شارق الشمس جبهتي
فيعلو دعائي ظللت بالله تنصر

6. Are you not the one who revived though your people had rebelled,
So they shouted "God is great" in joy for Him?

٦. ألست الذي أحيا وقد ثار شعبه
فصاح ابتهاجا منه الله اكبر

7. The wounded Christ rose from his bed
Walking on a leg, running and leaping

٧. وقام الكسيح المبتلى من فراشه
يسير على ساق يعدو ويطفر

8. You charged ahead though death and years
Moaned and thousands of demons hissed

٨. تقحمت أو كان المنيات والسنا
يئن وآلاف الشاياطين تصفر

9. It was but a stroke of vengeance and the
Darkness of affliction cleared, and Baghdad watched

٩. فما هي ألا ضربة الثأر وانجلى
ظلام من البلوى وبغداد تنظر

10. So whoever sees Baghdad which you are its light
Says, "Harun has returned," though Ja'far died

١٠. فمن ير بغداد التى أنت نورها
يقل عاد هارون وقد مات جعفر

11. You avenged the poets and rained on their composer
What had wet the grave which almost buried him

١١. ثأرت لشواف وأمطرت ناظما
بما قد روى القبر الذي كاد يطمر

12. And you silenced the racket, climbing over Qasim
For you are like your name, a splitter

١٢. وسد من التهريج أعلاه قاسم
وما كان كاسمه فهو يشطر

13. The Euphrates longs for the Nile beyond it
While deserts spread, though they told us that was Kauthar

١٣. يحن ألى النيل الفرات ودونه
صحارى وقد قالوا لنا تلك كوثر

14. Thousands of victims overwhelmed by sinking and harm -
Gloom, rags, Bakhsh, and Kanbar

١٤. ألوف الضحايا سامها الخسف والأذى
غلوم ورقاع وبخش وقنبر

15. Without you the Communist would not rule again
As he desired, nor would the Communist slaughter

١٥. ولولاه ما عاد الشيوعي حاكما
كما شاء أو كان الشيوعي ينحر

16. You were the hoped-for answer to his prayer
You were for us the light by which we see

١٦. فكنت الجواب المرتجى من دعائه
وكنت لنا النور الذي فيه نبصر

17. So O army, harm came not to you though we
Descended into depths where seas were gushing

١٧. فيا جيش لا نلت الأذى دونك الذي
هبطنا ألى الأعماقأذ كبان يهذر

18. With the people's wealth he gave support to the incapable
And from the sickness of injustice that consumed him

١٨. يمن بمال الشعب أعطاه عاجزا
ومن ظلمة الداء الذي فيه ينخر

19. He starved until hunger shattered his body
And was exiled until he could no longer walk

١٩. لقد جاع حتى حطم الجوع جسمه
وطورد حتى ما على المشي يقدر

20. Praise to you for watering our land with vengeance
So we marched on the path that almost buried us

٢٠. لك الحمد أذ أرويت بالثأر أرضنا
فسرنا على الدرب الذي كاد يطمر