
O river, he returns to you after his absence

يا نهر

1. O river, he returns to you after his absence
Longing overflows from his sighs

١. يا نهر عاد إليك بعد شتاته
صب يفيض الشوق من زفراته

2. Perplexed, he gazes at your banks sorrowfully
His ardour almost felled by his tears

٢. حيران يرمق ضفتيك بلوعة
فيكاد يصرع شوقه عبراته

3. How often did he accompany you and find delight in
His morning walks to love or his strolls

٣. كم رافقتك فآنستك خطاه في
غدواته للحب أو روحاته

4. Do you remember him and keep his covenant
Or have you forgotten his vows and features

٤. أفأنت تذكره وتحفظ عهده
أم قد نسيت عهوده وسماته

5. You denied him his bliss and followed her
Yet he would ransom you both with his life

٥. قد أنكرته فتاته وتبعتها
وهو الذي يفديكما بحياته

6. He would, from passion for your waters, wish to be
A shadow toying amidst its nymphs

٦. ليود من شغف بمائك لو غدا
ظلا يداعب فيه جنياته

7. Clinging to the sail of every ship
To grasp the sailor's songs

٧. متعلقا بشراع كل سفينة
ليجاذب الملاح أغنياته

8. As the stars' lights nestle in his chest
And the waves dance at his laughter

٨. وتلوذ أنوار النجوم بصدره
وتراقص الأمواج من ضحكاته

9. O river, where has the time gone with its intimacy
And the sweet elixir of his cups

٩. يا نهر أين مضى الزمان بأنسه
والمترع المعسول من كاساته

10. Has merciless time found its way
To what the lost one left in his solitude

١٠. وهل اهتدى الزمن الحقود فغال ما
قد أودع المفؤود في خلواته

11. His kisses on your banks lying dead
Did you preserve the echo of his kisses

١١. قبلاته في ضفتيك صريعة
أفهل حفظت له صدى قبلاته

12. Your waves that witnessed his love
And heard his agony and lamentations

١٢. أمواجك اللائي شهدن غرامه
وسمعن لوعته وبث شكاته

13. Mistreated them nights of betrayal
And the tides made them drift in their flow

١٣. عبثت بهن من الليالي غدرة
وأضاعهن الجزر في سفراته

14. The paper mulberry surrendered its leaves to decay
And the paper that held kisses crumbled in its folds

١٤. والدوح أسلم للبلى ورقاته
وثمالة القبلات في ورقاته

15. The wind awaited his return with bated breath
Hoping to echo his melodies again

١٥. والريح أسامها انتظار إيابه
وأملها ترديد أغنياته

16. So it cast aside his flute in prolonged despair
And his tunes faded from its hearing

١٦. فرمت لطول عيائها مزماره
وعفا بمسمعها صدى نغماته

17. O waterer of trees, why do you only see
One morose, sunk in grief

١٧. يا ساقي الشجرات ما لك لا ترى
إلا كئيبا لج في حسراته

18. Roaming the meadows searching
For the absent one distance veiled

١٨. وتطوف ما بين الرياض أباحثا
عن غائب حجب البعاد سماته

19. Why have the hillsides cast their plaints upon you
And the prairie surrendered its youth to you

١٩. ما للروابي أرمتك شكاتها
والمرج ألقى فيك شباباته

20. Ask the verdant land about its bloom
And the prairie about its poets and shepherds

٢٠. فسل الربى عن نورها وزهورها
والمرج عن شعرائه ورعاته

21. They left and in the garden remains only a mourner
Alone with his tears and anguish

٢١. ذهبوا فما في الروض إلا نائح
متفرد بدموعه وأذاته

22. Sweet flowing stream, refuge for every tortured
Thirsty soul, you quench some of its thirst

٢٢. حلو الخرير ملاذ كل معذب
ظمئ الفؤاد وأنت بعض سقاته