
The martyr of glory will not hear blame from his mourner

شهداء الحرية

1. The martyr of glory will not hear blame from his mourner
Nor will he see his crier, whoever may reproach him

١. شهيد العلا لن يسمع اللوم نادبه
 و ليس يرى باكيه من قد يعاتبه

2. Time has shrouded him, so the universe mourns for glory
Its dawns are gloomy and its sunsets

٢. طواه الردى فالكون للمجد مأتم
 مشارقه مسودة و مغاربه

3. A youth who led the children of jihad to glory
And his battalions have crushed the might of the enemy

٣. فتى قاد أبناء الجهاد إلى العلا
 و قد حطمت بأس العدو كتائبه

4. A youth whose concern is to reach the abode of dignity
Tomorrow every garden frolics without fear

٤. فتى همه أن يبلغ العز موطن
 غدا كل باغ دون خوف يواثبه

5. A youth who knows the lethal blow of his sword
Its settlements have openly and clearly conquered

٥. فتى يعرف الأعداء فتكة سيفه
 قد فتحت فتحا مبينا مضاربه

6. A youth who committed no sin except that he unsheathed
A sword in the face of injustice, never turning from it

٦. فتى ما جنى ذنبا سوى أنه انتضى
 حساما بوجه الظلم ما لان جانبه

7. Whenever Yunus was mentioned in the throngs of war
Death walked red-clawed for the enemies

٧. إذا ذكروا في جحفل الحرب يونسا
 مشى الموت للأعداء حمرا سبائبه

8. He has sold his soul three times for the Arabs
My tears do not rest for his departure

٨. لقد باع للعرب النفوس ثلاثة
 فقروا و دمعي لا تقر غواربه

9. Oh woe to him who bade farewell to his comrades and transgressed
Against Yunus - so let him loose his tears

٩. فآة على من ودع الصحب و اغتدى
 على يونس فليطلق الدمع حاجبه

10. And oh for the eagle who folded his wings
How his bands filled the Iraqi horizon

١٠. و آه على نسر أهيض جناحه
 و كم ملأت أفق العراق عصائبه

11. If they have hidden Mahmoud's body in the earth
They have not hidden the glory which he earned

١١. لئن غيبوا جثمان محمود في الثرى
 فما غيبوا المجد الذي هو كاسبه

12. And my longing for Fahmi and whatever his concern was
Matters little, even if his watering places were base to him

١٢. و لهفي عى فهمي و ما كان خطبه
 يهون و إن هانت لديه مشاربه

13. A martyr who saw tyranny invading his country
So he roused and led an army to fight it

١٣. شهيد رأى الطغيان يغزو بلاده
 فهب وقاد العزم جندا يحاربه

14. Shall he be hanged who protects the home with his sword
And whose mounts set out at dawn to gain glories?

١٤. أيشنق من يحمي الديار بسيفه
 و تغدو على كسب المعالي ركائبه

15. Men who swore by God that they
Would be sacrificed until right returns from its usurper

١٥. رجال أباه عاهدوا الله أنهم
 مضحون حتى يرجع الحق غاصبه

16. The slaves of the English have shed their blood
So woe to them from he who fears their aggression

١٦. أراق عبيد الإنكليز دماءهم
 فيا ويلهم ممن تخاف جوالبه

17. The slaves of the English have shed their blood
But without vengeance, who can be its claimant?

١٧. أراق عبيد الإنكليز دماءهم
 و لكن دون الثأر من هو طالبه

18. The darling of the English shed their blood
But in Berlin, a lion watches over him

١٨. أراق ربيب الأنجليز دماءهم
 و لكن في برلين ليثا يراقبه

19. Rashid - O the best leader of a nation
Where the slave of God and his companion corrupt

١٩. رشيد و يا نعم الزعيم لأمة
 يعيث بها عبد الإله و صاحبه

20. You are the true leader who awoke those asleep
Whom the days of fate and its calamities tossed about

٢٠. لأنت الزعيم الحق نبهت نوما
 تقاذفم دهر توالت نوائبه