فواصل .. للصبح الجنوبي
O mountains of mystery... none but you remembers
يا ضمير الأحرار
O conscience of the free .. where is conscience?
البكاء دماً
My beloved turned away, and my friend turned away
Your face is where “the South” dwells in me
بيان للجماهير المحتشدة
Believe me, I did not come to cancel my decision
من مذكرة قبيلة باهلة
From our dawn shone reverence and ignited
قصيدة عن حب قديم
Ninety centuries drowned in your love
حاشية على الجرح
The aspirations of the glorious never end
خميرة الممكنات
Poetry is to build a vaster expanse
السيف والوردة
We did not tire circling the orbits running,
اعترافات شاهد الموت
My throat travels in a wound
أحزان جديدة
A mouth boiling with people's wounds, sipping
فيروز أغنية العش الأولى
Fairouz, a melody, so what's the news?
مسافرٌ بلا بوصلة
A traveler above the embers of words burning
رسالة إلى أميرة الغرابة
"Abha", my love letters are countless,
تقاسيم العشق الجنوبي
This is my kiss, and this is my yearning
البكاء دما
My beloved turned away, and my confidant turned away
في حضرة الملكة
A traveler, I follow two eyes that preoccupy me
كائن بلا هوية
From which river did you drink silence and awe?
عاهة مستديمة
Yesterday there was a wound, and today in my heart there is a wound
What is with your face, O Aiban, so sullen?
أعراس الحداد
And flowed into the expanse, water and more
Oh father... I have a question for the letters
A being of pearls clashing
نبوءة العمائم
Flowing like a spring's water, O my country
الكون الفسيح
Blame me not, for the wounded is not blamed
For whom shall I weave poetry scented with whispers?
We have the sea, the wind, and the harbor,
الباحة القصيدة
Rest your head on my letters and warm yourself with my affection
ما تبقى من أحزان الرجال
How hard is disgrace, where do I start with disgrace
السابحون في منطقة انعدام الوزن
If drought afflicts you, extend a hand,
I was poetry flowing,
مرثية للقمر المكي
(To the spirit of my friend, Dr. Mohammed Yusuf Barmawi)
بهو الفيروز
قراءة لعوامل التعرية
وصية حرام بن ملحان
شهادة حياة
قراءة في جسد اللؤلؤة