
زياد السعودي

Ziad Al Saudi

اني اتيتك لاجئا

O my heart composed in the cheek of wakefulness

ضاد النفائس

God's gift in the Quran is pondered

عذراً يا شعر

O poetry, we have burdened you with afflictions,

لا يعود بطانا

My sunset is gloomy and all of me is sunset

صبراً فلسطين

Patience, O Palestine, for God has made you


Frost settles in the meadows of the soul

إلى عمان

To Oman I was called back


Oh mother, how arduous has our journey become


O He who mends stumbles, enough, do not increase

صنوَ الروح

The ill fate of a despairing dreamer festered in my blood,

مع سبق الشتات والتشظي

At the dawn of poetry there is a sadness I have endured

وأرجم قبره في كل عام

And I stone his grave each year

في حضرة الخفر

A beauty like visions, her veil an ornament

سرّ الهوى

The secret of passion blazed in my infatuation,

هد الجوى ركبي

Sadness has led my mount


Bitter miseries made me drink the cup of woe,

جرحك في كفك

Our words are all pretense and vanity

من بيان سجرا

Come, let us craft lawful magic, ever verdant


Love is a sudden conquest that takes hold

موت يشتهيه الرثاء

Sorrow kneaded you in her dark bowl,

أرخى الضفائر

Let down your braids upon the hair to inspire me


Old age has overcome you with grief and woe

ذهاب أضاع إيابه

My wailing echoes in the ruins' desert

حصدوا الندى

Blessed is he who the letter “Dha” has baptized


عين سين

لعل وعسى

كعبة الحسن

برق تجلى من ثنيات الديم

لا غبطة يجتبيها الشعر


فسطاط عزاء

إلا من رحم ربي
