1. God's gift in the Quran is pondered
Its eloquence is radiant, its crown adorned with pearls
١. هَديّةُ اللهِ في القُرآنِ تُدَّكَرُ
فيها البَيانُ بَهيٌّ تاجُهُ دُرَرُ
2. The source of rarities has made its hills shine
And from its brilliance the dawn is reflected
٢. ضَادُ النَّفائِسِ قَدْ أَزْهَتْ طَيالِسُها
وَمِنْ سَناها ارْتَدى أنْوارَهُ السَّحَرُ
3. Its springs are pure, no falsehood can diminish them
The letter is sincere, no turbulence or deceit
٣. عِقْيانُها خالِصٌ لا زَيْفَ يُبْخِسُهُ
نَقيِّةُ الحَرْفِ لا عَيْجٌ ولا زَوَرُ
4. However long the ignorance of the West lasts
It yearns for and visits its perfection
٤. ما طال غَربٌ جُمانَ الضَّادِ في لُغَةٍ
إنَّ الجُمانَ لها يسعى ويَعْتمِرُ
5. It is the brilliant, if our platforms enlighten
The orbit of its light glows and expands
٥. هِيَ الدَرَاريُّ إنْ أدْجَتْ مَحابِرُنا
مَدارُ أنْوارِها يَزْهو ويَنْتَشِرُ
6. It is adorned with unmatched eloquence
The face of rhetoric gleams in its mirror like the moon
٦. تَجَلَّلَتْ بِبَديعٍ لا نَظيرَ لَهُ
وجهُ البَلاغَةِ في مرآتِها قمَرُ
7. Melodious in pronunciation on its edges is a tune
From its magic, melody and rhythm manifest
٧. عَذيبةٌ النُّطقِ في أعْطافِها نَغَمٌ
مِن سحْرهِ يَتَجَلّى اللحْنُ والوَتَرُ
8. And speech draws from it the charm of its splendor
Meaning struts in its open space and flourishes
٨. وَيَستَقي اللفْظُ مِنْها سِحْرَ دَهْشَتِهِ
يخْتالُ في فَيْئِها المعْنى ويَزْدَهِرُ
9. Clouds hovered, saturated with rain
Watering speech steadily without stirring sediment
٩. سَحائِبٌ وَطِفَت بالغيثِ مُتْرَعَةٌ
تَسْقي الكَلامَ نَميرًا ليسَ يَعْتَكِرُ
10. The pouring rain drew near its students
As if it were a constant drizzle, approaching and flooding
١٠. هتّانَةُ الهَطْلِ من طُلابِها اقْتَرَبَتْ
كَأَنَّها دِيَمٌ تَدْنو وتَنْهَمِرُ
11. How much ink conveyed the secrets of its meadows
The line of eloquence flourishes in its valleys
١١. كَمْ مِنْ مَدادٍ روَى أسْرارَ رَوْعَتِها
خَوْطُ الفَصاحَةِ في أكْنافِها نَضِرُ
12. It flows with the veins of poetry effortlessly
As the drizzle seeps into the abundant rain
١٢. تَسْري بِأَوْرِدَةِ الأَشْعارِ في دَعَةٍ
كَما الرِّهامُ فُراتَ الغَيْثِ تَدَّخِرُ
13. Prose in its travels wanders invigorated
And poetry by its ink is watered and sprouts
١٣. النَّثْرُ في رَكْبِها قَدْ مادَ مُنْتَشِيًا
والشِّعْرُ مِنْ حبرها يُسْقى فيبتكِرُ
14. No wonder it exceeded the ultimate in sublimity
And settled in a sphere the human aspires to
١٤. لا غروَ إنْ جاوَزت حَدَّ المدى ألَقًا
واسْتَوْطَنَتْ بَرْزَخًا تَشْتاقُهُ البَشَرُ
15. It is untouched by rambling, unmarred by any lapse
A marvel - it has baffled thought
١٥. ما مسَّها رَطَنٌ ما شابَها زَلَلٌ
أعجوبةٌ وَبها قَدْ حارَتِ الفِكَرُ
16. Creation sanctified its realm with glorification
For it is a language ordained by fate
١٦. قَدْ وقَّرَ الخَلقُ بالتَّقْديسِ ساحَتَها
لأنَّها لُغَةٌ قَدْ شاءَها القدَرُ