
Patience, O Palestine, for God has made you

صبراً فلسطين

1. Patience, O Palestine, for God has made you
A pure land, in the farthest Jerusalem, your home

١. صَبْرًا فِلَسْطين إنَّ الله سَوَّاكِ
أرْضًا طَهورًا بِأقْصى القُدْسِ بَيَّاكِ

2. Patience over the oppression of enemies, for they were cursed
The horses of a people who turned away from your blessed intimacy

٢. صَبْرًا عَلى قَهْرِ أعْداءٍ لَهُم بَرَكَتْ
خُيولُ قَوْمٍ نأوا عَن طِيبِ زُلْفاكِ

3. They have populated you with division, Zion inaugurated it
Adding misery to the packs of your distress

٣. أهْلوكِ في فُرْقَةٍ صَهْيونُ دشّنَها
كَرْبًا أضافوا إلى أرْتالِ بؤْساكِ

4. Alas, how many times has our flag been lowered in the mud?
Woe to us, how we have regressed! How we have forsaken you!

٤. أوّاه كَمْ نُكِّسَتْ في الوَحْلِ رايَتُنا
تبًّا لَنا كَمْ نَكَصْنا! كَمْ خذلناكِ !

5. Verily the free women's throats have been slit
There is no respondent to answer their crying voice

٥. إنَّ الحَرائرَ قد بُحَّت حَناجِرُها
ما مِنْ مُجيبٍ يُلبّي صوتَها الباكي

6. None remain in our procession, who have the grit
To withstand the flaming turmoil, all have deserted you

٦. لَمْ يَبْقَ في رَكْبِنا مِمَّنْ لَهُمْ جَلَدٌ
عَلى اضْطِرامِ الوَغى فَالكُلُّ خَلَّاكِ

7. The deep-rooted hatred of vile Jews has overwhelmed
And the habit of Arabs is to slumber and forget you

٧. طَغَتْ يَهودُ دَفينُ الحِقْدِ ديْدَنُها
ودَيْدَنُ العُرْبِ أنْ تَغْفو لِتَنْساكِ

8. Hope has died that alert consciences will awake for us
Humiliation has pained us, who will come to your aid?

٨. ماتَ الرجاءُ بأنْ تصحو لنا مقلٌ
ذلٌّ ألمّ بنا مَنْ ذا سيرعاكِ

9. A terrifying spring has spread through our dwellings
In a margin beyond sight since your downfall came

٩. رَبيعُ رُعبٍ تفَشّى في مَرابِعِنا
في هامِشٍ لا يُرى مُذْ جاءَ أخْفاكِ

10. Do not look towards those who have turned their backs on you
Rather look to those who with the water of the soul have nourished you

١٠. لا تَنْظُريْ نَحْوَ مَنْ وَلّوا لَكِ الدُّبُرا
بَلِ انْظُري، مَنْ بماءِ الرّوح روّاكِ