
I know for certain that my distance from you

وأعلم حقا أن بعدي عنكم

1. I know for certain that my distance from you
Is due to a sin, though I have repented from arrogance

١. وأعلم حقا أن بعدي عنكم
لذنب جرى لكنني تبت من كبر

2. The glory of the heart's mountain was revealed, so it shook with awe
And the right of the right is the right, truly, to the beholder

٢. تجلى لطور القلب فأندك هيبة
وحق الحق حقا بناظر

3. My beloved revealed himself to hearts through his eyes
So he overwhelmed me, unseen, with his overwhelming power

٣. تجلى حبيبي للقلوب بعينه
فهيمني غيبا بسطوة قاهر

4. And who can endure patience if she appears
On the expanse of variations, as a mount to the witness?

٤. ومن ذا يطيق الصبر إن هي بدت
على بسط التلوين طورا لظاهر

5. She appeared to my innermost being through the eye of her beauty
So I swooned and settled, then wandered lost like one perplexed

٥. تبدت لأكواني بعين جمالها
فلبت وقرت ثم هامت كحائر

6. And my gaze saw her, and that was her gaze upon me
So through her I was hearing to the whisperer

٦. وأبصرها لحظي وذلك لحظها
فكنت بها منها سميعا لحاجر

7. Love brought me to her, and that was her love to me
So the veil covered between the pulpits

٧. تقادمني حب وذلك حبها
فثم أحاط الستر بين المنابر

8. And there is none manifest in reality but the Witness
To whoever knocked or glanced between the consciences

٨. وما ثم غير في الحقيقة ظاهر
لمن دق أو قد ران بين الضمائر

9. So there is nothing but illusion, and she is the reality
And all beyond is something like the rest

٩. فما ثمّ إلا الوهم وهي حقيقة
وكل وراء فهو شيء كسائر