
By Your greatest names I called You, my Master

بأسمائك العظمى دعوتك سيدي

1. By Your greatest names I called You, my Master
And Your greatest attributes I implored

١. بأسمائك العظمى دعوتك سيدي
وأوصافك العظمى توسلت بها

2. From misfortunes that clothed me in the garb of distress
And the center of the secrets of existence, Muhammad

٢. من حادثان قد كستني ثوب الضنا
ومركز أسرار الوجود محمد

3. He extended the entire universe, our Lord's isthmus
And its spot, the houri appeared in a shape

٣. ممد جميع الكون برزخ ربنا
وبقعته الحورا تبدت بشكل آ

4. A doll that aimed for purifying our burden
And her husband, blossoms of knowledge, an open door

٤. دميّة ما حاضت لتطهير وزرنا
وزوجها زخار المعارف باب دا

5. To science for whoever seeks the worldly life for a time
And a friend of those who joined his procession

٥. ر علم لمن رام الدنو لحينا
وصديق من صاروا بموكب قربه

6. They encircle the light of revelation until it covers us all
And the distinguisher, the origin of glory for whoever's sources of life agreed with his determination for us

٦. يحوطون نور الوحي حتى يعمنا
وفاروق أصل الجد من قد توافقت

7. And their third in rank became their martyr
For what he attained of the Bountiful's grace

٧. موارد حي مع عزومته لنا
وثالثهم بالصف صار شهيدهم

8. And the rest of the Messenger's companions in their right
I asked You, O Most Merciful, be for all of us

٨. لما قد حاز من فضل ذي الغنا
وسائر أصحاب الرسول بحقهم

9. I specify my prayer with the two full moons and their status
And empower them. Have You not seen our state?

٩. سألتك يا رحمن كن لجميعنا
أخص الدعا بالبدريين وجاههم

10. Remove with their sublimity what afflicts us of the misfortunes of eras and what our age has produced
Through them You forgive sins in truth for what they have

١٠. ومكنتهم ألا رأيت لحالنا
أزح بعلاهم ما بنا من نوائب ال

11. Of mercy from God for all
And You make good descend as long as the dawns of eras mentioned them

١١. دهور وما أبدت نوازل دهرنا
بهم تغفر الحوبات حقا لما لهم

12. And raise those whose thoughts
Distanced them from the ideal goal in a presence we deemed exemplary

١٢. من الله من رحماتهم جميعا
وتستمطر الخيرات ما لهجت بهم