
I complain to him about him, my love for him

أشكو له منه مهجتي

1. I complain to him about him, my love for him
Imprisoned me, standing still, would you be pleased with ruin?

١. أشكو له منه مهجتي
حبستها وقفا أترضى الخرابا

2. If you would not be pleased with it, to whom shall I complain?
I shed my blood until I had an address

٢. إن كنت لا ترضاه لمن أشكو
أبحت دمي حتى كان لي خطابا

3. If you would be pleased with killing me, who gave the verdict
To legally shed blood? So my heart was youthful

٣. إن كنت ترضى قتلي فمن أفتى
بسفك دم شرعا فقلبي شابا

4. Why did you not make killing unjust, but
Reconcile, and let the bond continue and come closer

٤. وهلا جعلت القتل جورا بو
صل ودام الوصل واقتربا

5. No matter how I was amazed by him
He appears to you in every target, a book

٥. مهما ذهلت عنه عجبا به
تمثل لك في كل مرمى كتابا

6. O owner of my heart, be my intercessor
For I am Hanafi, I have come with wonders

٦. يا مالك القلب كن شافعي
فإني حنفي أتيت العجابا

7. I became solitary in my love, so I have no one but him
And I thought the beautiful perfume would join

٧. توحدت في حبي فما لي سواه
وظن بوصل الحسن المستطابا

8. Oh, if only the one who advised you to be cold for a moment
And affectionate to others, we would not be gloomy

٨. يا ليت من أفتاك بالصد برهة
ولغيري بالود ولسنا اكتئابا

9. For I am his family, and through him a leader
A sultan of love I wished his approval

٩. فإني له أهل وبه زعيم
سلطان عشق منيته رضايا

10. The people of love are my soldiers, and I am their leader
And you are the king of beauty, the clouds cry to you

١٠. أهل الهوى جندي وإني رئيسهم
وأنت مليك الحسن تبكي السحابا

11. Oh, how many times love ordered me to join him
And leave him, and my body from me has melted

١١. يا ما أمر العشق بوصله
وهجره والجسم منى قد ذابا

12. Oh, how many times love ordered me to die
Uncountable attempts, what has been attained

١٢. يا ما أمر العشق يميتني
ما لا يعد اجتهاد ما أصابا

13. Is there any way out from the captivity?
Oh, if only I were dust

١٣. فهل إلى خروج من سبيل
يا ليتني قد كنت ترابا

14. Who can make you pleased to cast me upon
The ruins of one who loves, do I hope for an answer?

١٤. من لي بأن ترضى طرحي على
أطلال من يهوى أيرجو جوابا

15. I became free of myself, devoted
Perhaps through it I will be alone and the veil will be lifted

١٥. فرغت كوني مني مخلصا
لعلي بها أخلو وتجلو النقابا

16. My passion collapsed when Moses fell down
Unconscious, and Moses was a mirage

١٦. قد دك طوري لما خر موسى
صعقا ولا موسى وكان سرابا