
I wrote a line of passion for the judge of love

كتبت لقاضي العشق سطرا من الهوى

1. I wrote a line of passion for the judge of love
Containing a secret with him, softly, softly

١. كتبت لقاضي العشق سطرا من الهوى
مضمنه سر لديه خفا خفا

2. If your right hand gains fortune from fate
Your time in excess and the gaze elongated

٢. إذا ظفرت يمناك بالدهر
زمانك بالإسراف واستتعب الطرفا

3. My body kindles with love and it
Preceded by the injustice of love, harshly, harshly

٣. تضرم جسمي بالغرام وإنه
مسبوق لظلم الحب فيه جفا جفا

4. I wished from my fate and it became a gazelle
In the meadows of holy Jerusalem, healing, healing

٤. تمنيت من دهري وصار غزالة
بروض رياض القدس فيه شفا شفا

5. So I have from the armies of patience, a supporting army
And in the heart of love, harshly, harshly

٥. فلي من جيوش الصبر جيشا مؤيدا
وعند فؤاد الحب فيه جفا جفا

6. Oh my liver, if not for love, love would not be known
My heart, and if not for separation, it was said fidelity, fidelity

٦. فوا كبدي لولا الهوى ما درى الهوى
فؤادي ولولا البين قيل وفا وفا

7. I went to the shrine so that I may see
The beauty of the beautiful face, it was said stop, stop

٧. تقدمت للمحراب كي ما أرى
جمال جمال الوجه قيل قفا قفا

8. So I became and my secret Arabized by its obsession
And at the demise of youth, it was said clarity, clarity

٨. فصرت وسري معرب بهيامه
وعند تلاشي الصبا قيل صفا صفا