
My tears flowed until they dried up

تقاطر مني الدمع حتى تجففت

1. My tears flowed until they dried up
And this is the ink of the slain you see

١. تقاطر مني الدمع حتى تجففت
وهذا سواد المقتلين تراه

2. If the pursuer raced the sea of his love
When the opponent answered he did not understand him

٢. فلو ركض العذال بحر هواه كا
ن حين جواب الخصم ما أحيلاه

3. So the views between us are reconciled and clarified
Drinking cups of intimacy while singing

٣. فتلتئم الآراء منا وتجتلى
تعاطي كؤوس الول في حال مغناه

4. Though we worried, he did not know where we were

٤. على أننا همنا فلم يدر أيننا