
O you who persist in lewdness, woe to you!

يا دائبين على الفحشاء ويلكم

1. O you who persist in lewdness, woe to you!
You have clothed your elder in a robe of shame.

١. يا دائِبينَ عَلى الفَحشَاءِ وَيلَكُمُ
أَلبَستُمُ شَيخَكُم ثَوباً مِنَ العارِ

2. Your son is a son-in-law to his own father,
And a brother may turn away from his own bitch in heat.

٢. أَلإبنُ في دارِكُم صِهرٌ لِوالِدِهِ
وَالأَخُ قَد يَنثَنِي عَن كَلبِهِ الحارِ

3. You do not preserve your father's honor in his wives,
Yet a dog guards jealously that which God has kept from his house.

٣. ما تَحفَظونَ أَباكُم في حَلائِلِهِ
وَالكَلبُ عِرسٌ لَحاهُ اللَّهُ مِن دارِ

4. You have revived a tradition which even the Magians condemned,
So exalt, like them, a house of fire!

٤. أَحيَيتُمُ سُنَّةً دانَ المَجوسُ بِها
فَعَظِّموا مِثلَهُم بَيتاً مِنَ النارِ