
A perfectionist, nothing pleases him

متأنق لا شيء يعجبه

1. A perfectionist, nothing pleases him,
Until he is seen always annoyed.

١. متأَنقٌ لا شيءَ يُعجبهُ
حَتىّ يُرى متكرّهاً ابدا

2. He knows no pleasures whatsoever,
As he enjoys nothing he finds.

٢. لا يعرف اللذات قاطبةً
اذ لا يلَذُّ بايِّ ما وجدا

3. And everyone with wealth fears him,
As no one can satisfy him even with effort.

٣. وَيَخاف منهُ كلُّ ذي ملٍ
اذ لَيسَ يرضيهِ ولو جَهِدا

4. You see him fearing people's criticism
Of his deeds as he remained criticized.

٤. وَتراهُ يَخشى الناسَ ناقدةً
اعمالَهُ اذ ظلَّ منتقدا

5. Does his soul satisfy and please him?
Or was this judgment applicable always?

٥. هَل نَفسُهُ تُرضيهِ واعجبا
ام كانَ هَذا الحكم مطرَّدا

6. Whoever is not pleased by anyone,
I think no one is pleased by him either.

٦. مَن كان ل يُعجبهُ من احدٍ
فاظُنُّ ما هُوَ معجِبٌ احدا