
The shop owner said to his merchant

قد قال كاتب حانوت لتاجره

1. The shop owner said to his merchant
Your books here have increased in number

١. قَد قالَ كاتبُ حانوتٍ لتاجرهِ
هَذي سَفاتِجُكَ ازدادت هنا عددا

2. Shall we sew their edges and gather them
Together, so I can keep this from scattering

٢. أَلا نَخيطُ حواشيها وَنجمعها
مَعاً وَأَحفَظُ ذا من كونِها بددا

3. The wealthy merchant was startled and said to him
What are you saying? You lack understanding and wisdom

٣. فأَجفل التاجر المُثرى وقال لَهُ
ماذا تَقولُ عدِمتَ الفهمَ وَالرشدا

4. Is not a book's shape with its covers that
If seen even in sleep would remind one of a book

٤. أَلَيسَ شكلَ كتابٍ ذا وَطَرفي ان
رأَى الكتابَ وَلَو في نومهِ رَمِدا

5. And here are the records from the beginning in your hands
So I never see books or their likes ever

٥. وَها الدَفاترُ منذ البدءِ في يدكم
كَي لا أَرى الكُتبَ أو اشباهها ابدا