
Our Metropolitan Youssef Al-Zghayyib has been endowed by the Creator for a people who have long been without a shepherd

مطراننا يوسف الزغبي جاد به

1. Our Metropolitan Youssef Al-Zghayyib has been endowed by the Creator for a people who have long been without a shepherd
A shepherd who would have the wolf as a companion to the lamb, with God's people kept safe

١. مطرانُنا يوسُف الزغبيُّ جادَ بِهِ ال
باري لشعبٍ بِهِ لَهُ قد بات مرؤُوسا

2. He built on firm religion and knowledge, having with it through the ages a greater founding
The birds of bliss sang for him, and gripped in Youssef's hand shone the staff of Moses

٢. راعٍ يَكون لديهِ الذئبُ مصطحِباً
معَ الخروف وشعبُ اللَه محروسا

٣. بَني على الدين والعلم المتين لَهُ
أُسا وأَعظِم بِهِ في الدهر تأسيسا

٤. صاحَت طيور الهنا ارّخ بِهِ وشدت
في كفِّ يوسُفَ قد لاحَت عصا موسى