1. A grave for Ibrahim Sarkis, who
Every tear shed grieves for him
١. لَحدٌ لابرهيم سركيس الَّذي
أَسَفاً عليهِ كل دَمعٍ قد جَرى
2. At fifty his days were completed
So he left, leaving behind burning and regret
٢. في سنِّ خمسين اِنقضت ايامهُ
فَمَضى وأَخلف حرقةً وتحسُّرا
3. Friends and neighbors weep his loss
As all creation weeps virtue and piety
٣. ابكى المعارف والحجى فقدانهُ
والبرَّ وَالتَقوى كَما ابكى الوَرى
4. This friend of God and people whom
The Lord of the Throne called from the Highest Heaven
٤. هَذا خَليل اللَه والناس الَّذي
ناداهُ رَبُّ العرش من أَعلى الذرى
5. They buried him in the bosom of the earth yet he remains
Like a sword engraved in history, sheathed in the soil
٥. دَفَنوهُ في طيِّ الترابِ فَلَم يَزل
كالسيف بالتأريخ يُغمد في الثرى