
I saw the desert between a vanishing past

رأيت البرايا بين فان يجدد

1. I saw the desert between a vanishing past
And a new future that fades into non-existence

١. رأَيتُ البَرايا بينَ فانٍ يُجدَّدُ
وَبَينَ جَديدٍ بالفنا يتبدَّدُ

2. We live to fade away, and fade away for what
Comes after us to live on and be born

٢. نَعيشُ لكي نَفني وَنَفني لاجلما
يَعيشُ الَّذي من بعدنا يتولَّدُ

3. Our birth and death are equal to us
Since we have no hand in either

٣. ولادتنا والموت سيّانِ عندنا
اذا كانَ في الامرين لَيسَ لنا يَدُ

4. And that equality between us is in them both
While the difference between them is in us, manifest

٤. وانَّ التَساوي بيننا هُوَ فيهما
وَبَينَهما فينا التَفاوتُ يوجدُ

5. My friend, if time is as I see it
Then my day is enough for me, and tomorrow will be for you

٥. خليليَّ ان كانَ الزَمان كَما ارى
فَحسبيَ يَومي وليكن لكما غدُ

6. The nights have pelted me with adversities in my youth
Saying 'Awaken, this is what you were promised'

٦. رمَتني اللَيالي بالنوائب يافعاً
تَقولُ انتبه هَذا الَّذي انتَ توعَدُ

7. Patience fails you in your time, so be sparing with it
And hoard it ever since you were a child

٧. يعوزُكَ صَبرٌ في زمانك فاِقتصِد
بِهِ وادَّخرهُ مُنذُ ما انتَ امردُ

8. I rejoiced while still nursing a painful wound from fate
As if I'm a scabbard and time an unsheathed sword

٨. فرحتُ وَبي جرحٌ من الدهر مؤلمٌ
كأَنيَ غمدٌ وَالزَمان مهنَّدُ

9. If the scabbard of a sword isn't like its blade
Keen-edged, its naked blade shows while sheathed

٩. اذا لم يكن غمد الحسام كنصلِهِ
شَديداً فَراهُ نصلُهُ وَهو مغمَدُ

10. Greetings from God Most High, and mercy
Upon those whose hearts stood firm with Him

١٠. سَلامٌ من اللَه العليّ وَرَحمَةٌ
عَلى من ثوت معهُ قُلوبٌ واكبدُ

11. Greetings upon the face of the Friend, though his fire
Still blazes in hearts for his loss

١١. سَلامٌ عَلى وجه الخَليل وَنارُهُ
عَلى فقدِهِ طيَّ القلوب تَوقَّدُ

12. He who, when the men were counted, stood alone
For they were many, but he was peerless

١٢. مَضى من اذا عُدَّ الرجال فانهم
كَثيرون الّا انهُ المتفرّدُ

13. He stripped himself for God, and never ceased
To be clothed by His obedience from any blemish

١٣. تجرَّدَ لِلَّهالعليّ فَلَم يَزَل
بطاعَتِهِ من وصمةٍ يتجرَّدُ

14. So piety weeps for him with the lids of its people
And with tongues recounts his merits extensively

١٤. فَتَبكي لَهُ التقوى باجفان أَهلها
وَباللُسن تروي فَضلُهُ وتعدّدُ

15. He walked the path of benevolence, seeking
The roads that lead where he purposed to go

١٥. عَلى قدم الاحسان قد سار سالِكاً
من الطرقِ ما يُفضي الى حيث يقصدُ

16. And seeing the world as a path to eternity
He took from it the best provisions to load

١٦. وَلما رأَى الدنيا طَريقاً الى البقا
تزوَّد منها خيرَ ما يُتَزوَّدُ

17. Hardships unveiled no treasure of his patience
And even if prolonged forever, it would not be spent

١٧. تَلقى البلايا لم تُبد كَنزَ صبرِهِ
وَلَو بَقيت دَهراً لما كانَ ينفَدُ

18. Their blades had little effect on his body
While their frustration turned back blunted

١٨. وَقَد أَثَّرت في الجسمِ منهُ بُعَيدَ ما
تفلَّل عجزاً سيفها المتجرّدُ

19. But he has an endless reward from them
And settled into a shrine of precious gems

١٩. فوَلَّت وَفي احشائها منهُ حسرَةٌ
نعم وَلَهُ منها ثوابٌ مؤَبَّدُ

20. For in it the eggs of all virtues are incubated
The corner of sorrow gave him the tears of joy

٢٠. وحلَّ ضَريحاً صارَ معدنَ جوهرٍ
لانَّ بِهِ بيضَ الفَضائِل تُنضَدُ

21. To drink, so they became the most refreshing and cool
They mourn his dead body, but truly

٢١. سَقاهُ بطرف الحزن من قد بكى لَهُ
دموعَ سرورٍ فهيَ اندى وابردُ

22. They would rejoice for him, alive with an eternal soul
He traveled a path we all walk

٢٢. عَلى جسمِهِ ميتاً يُناح وإِنَّما
يُسَرُّ لَهُ حيّاً بِنَفسٍ تخلَّدُ

23. So let us hasten along it most prosperously
And our bodies that escorted us on it

٢٣. مَضى في طَريقٍ كلنا سالِكٌ بِهِ
فاِعجَلُنا في ذلك السيرِ اسعدُ

24. Long ago - how do they not grow accustomed?
We all forget death in negligence

٢٤. واجسامُنا اللآئي لنا سَلَكَت بِهِ
قَديماً فَكَيفَ اليوم لا تَتعوَّدُ

25. Consumed in this life, striving away
And at death's arrival, forget our lives

٢٥. نَرى كلَّنا يَنسى المنيَّة غافِلاً
فيهتمُّ في هذي الحياة ويجهَدُ

26. As if their span was but a minute, vanished

٢٦. وَعند مجيءِ الموت يَنسى حياتَهُ
فَما عُمرُهُ الّا دَقيقَةُ يُفقَدُ