
From the abode of Mina the daughter of Ghundur she departed

عن دار مينا ابن غندور قد ارتحلت

1. From the abode of Mina the daughter of Ghundur she departed
In the prime of life, not yet thirty years old

١. عَن دار مينا ابن غندورٍ قد اِرتحلت
في زهوة العمر لم تبلغ ثلاثينا

2. A precious one like a tender bough she was broken
So every heart for her remains sorrowful

٢. عَزيزَةٌ مثل غصن البان قد قُصِفَت
فكل قَلبٍ عليها بات محزونا

3. She left the clan of Araman their kin-folk
With tears flowing coupled with the blood of their eyelids

٣. ابقت بني عَرَمانٍ اهلَها ولهم
دمعٌ عدا بدم الاجفان مقرونا

4. If you wish to compose an elegy for her passing say:
She has attained from God what she hoped for, Raujina.

٤. فان تشأ نظم تأريخ العزآءِ فقل
نالَت من اللَه ما تَرجوهُ روجينا