
My longing for you is far more than I can describe

شوقي إليك كثير فوق ما اصف

1. My longing for you is far more than I can describe
How wonderful this longing, with no sorrow or regret

١. شَوقي إِليك كَثيرٌ فوق ما اصفُ
وَحبذا الشوق لا حزنٌ ولا أسفُ

2. If only all separation from our loved ones
Was like our separation, so we may be reconciled

٢. يا لَيتَ كل بعادٍ من احبتنا
كبعدنا حيث أَنا سوف نأتلفُ

3. Rather, I wish our loved ones were our enemies
So there would be no illness or contempt from them

٣. بل لَيتَ احبابنا كانت اعادينا
فَلَم يكن منهمُ سُقمٌ ولا دَنَفُ

4. Longing is more deadly than the separation it causes
Hatred more fatal than love and intimacy

٤. وَالشَوقُ أَقتَل من بُعدٍ يولدُهُ
وَالبُغضُ أَفتكُ منهُ الحُبُّ وَالكَلَفُ

5. The lovers complain of separation, not knowing
The goodness of being close, had they not been far

٥. يَشكو المحبون من بُعدٍ وما عَلموا
طيبَ التقرُّبِ لَولاهُ وَلا عَرَفوا

6. We are as though snakes lie in our beds
Whose softness we enjoy, whose poison we sip

٦. بِتنا كأَنَّ الأَفاعي في مضاجعنا
بلينها نَلتَهي والسمَّ نرتشفُ

7. We think we have escaped, while time has coiled
Deceptively, and we don't know time does not stand still

٧. نَظُنُّ أَنّا نَجونا والزَمانُ طوى
كَشحاً وَلَم ندرِ أَنَّ الدهرَ لا يَقِفُ

8. If he forgave the souls of the people, he would not care
To pardon money, for it is the essence

٨. لَئن عفا عن نفوس القوم لم يكُ بال
عافي عن المالِ وَهوَ الياءُ والأَلفُ

9. And how many, how many people were humiliated after their glory
And wake to find death keeps them company

٩. وَكَم وكم ذلَّ قومٌ بعد عزهمِ
فاصبحوا بالمَنايا عندهم حَلِفُ

10. Thus is the vengeance of the Lord like His blessings
Encompassing all people and embracing them

١٠. وَهَكَذا نقمة المولى كنعمتهِ
محيطةٌ بِجَميع الناس تكتنفُ

11. O you who have become honor in my eyes through love
Yes, his love to me is honor

١١. يا مَن غدت شرفاً عندي محبتهُ
نعم محبتهُ عندي هي الشرفُ

12. And one who is wronged but does not retaliate
As if the harm was repelled from him

١٢. وَمَن أُساءُ اذا ما مسَّهُ ضررٌ
حتىّ كأَنَّ اليَّ الضرَّ ينصرفُ

13. While the pure of heart - time has extended its hand to him
Yet its way is harm and insolence

١٣. وَالطاهر القلب قد مدَّ الزَمانُ لَهُ
يَداً وعادتهُ الإِيذاءُ والصلف

14. I complain yet am not complaining, for what was done to you
Has made you unable to complain for yourself

١٤. اشكو وَلستَ بشاكٍ فعلهُ بكَ إِذ
اضحى بنفسك من أَن تَشتَكي أَنَفُ

15. Let it not weigh on us if we are struck by it
For the full moon in the midst of the stars becomes eclipsed

١٥. لا يثقُلنَّ علينا ان نُصابَ بِهِ
فالبَدر في كبدِ العلياءِ ينخسفُ

16. The eclipsed moon bears no shame, for the sun
Is precedent, eclipsed before it

١٦. وَلا عَلى البدرِ مخسوفاً فانَّ له
عَمّا بِهِ أُسوةً فالشمس تنكسفُ

17. How could a person belittle something and reject it
Except after seeing one greater, as time halves

١٧. ما اِستعظَمَ المَرءُ من شيءٍ فانكرُهُ
الا رأَى فوقهُ والدهر ينتصفُ