
O stopover in fertile Lebanon and its people,

عوجا بلبنان الخصيب وآله

1. O stopover in fertile Lebanon and its people,
For there lies the beauty of my heart's dwelling.

١. عوجا بلبنان الخَصيبِ وآلِهِ
فَهناك حسنُ مقامِ قَلبي الوالِهِ

2. Describing that land revived my joy,
Perhaps my love will favor me with his union.

٢. وصفا بذاكَ الربعِ حال حشاشَتي
فَعَسى الحَبيب يَجودُ لي بوصالِهِ

3. A land I returned to, sipping its limpid purity,
Though at times embers blocked the way to its springs.

٣. ربعٌ وردتُ بِهِ زُلالَ صفائِهِ
حيناً فحال الجمرُ دونَ زلالهِ

4. Fires blazed in my heart after love
Played with his right hand and left.

٤. حمرٌ توقَّد في فؤادي بعد ما
لعب الهوى بيمينهِ وَشمالِهِ

5. O abode of those I love, I greet you,
Safeguarded from harm and malice's arrows.

٥. يا دارَ من اهواهُ حيّاكِ الحيا
ووقيتِ من الحاظِهِ وَنبالِهِ

6. An abode where a gazelle has possessed me, so I
Remain captive to his beauty and charm.

٦. دارٌ لظبيٍ قد تملَّكني فام
ابرح رَهينَ جمالِهِ وَدَلالِهِ

7. I left my heart there, wandering,
Yearning - perhaps it will ease its plight.

٧. وَلَقَد تَركتُ بها فؤادي هائماً
متلوّعاً فَعَسى يرقُّ لحالِهِ

8. My friend, if you visit that sanctuary,
And stand among its ruins, call out:

٨. يا صاحبي ان زرتَ ذيّاك الحمى
وَوَقفتُ فيهِ فنادِ في اطلالِه

9. Greetings upon you from a land that contains
A full moon, its crescent like a new moon.

٩. وقل السلام عليك من ربعٍ بِهِ
قمرٌ تمامُ البدر مثلُ هلالِه

10. Seeing him is familiar as if he were
A vision for one missing his counterpart.

١٠. أَلِف الاصابةَ لحظُهُ فكأَنَّهُ
رأَيٌ لِفاقد نِدِّهِ وَمِثالِهِ

11. A man, when describing the perfection of men,
Described perfection as being his essence.

١١. رجلٌ إِذا وَصَف الرجال كمالُهم
وَصفَ الكَمالَ بِكَونِهِ لِخلالِهِ

12. He attained perfection despite his youth,
So seeking his perfection is endless.

١٢. نالَ الكَمالَ على حداثة سنِّهِ
فَطِلابُه ابداً كمالُ كمالِهِ

13. In every sea there is a jewel, but
Without it dangers like its waves.

١٣. في كُلِّ بَحرٍ جوهَرٌ لكنَّما
مِن دونِ ذاك مخاطرٌ كرِمالِهِ

14. His breast contains a sea in which we gain jewels
With no fear of its terrors.

١٤. وَبصدرهِ بحرٌ نَفوزُ بجوهرٍ
منهُ وَلَيسَ نخافُ من أَهوالِهِ

15. He is the prince, and how many princes are his servants -
If not for his humility despite his mighty grandeur.

١٥. وَهُوَ الأَميرُ وكم أَميرٍ عبدُهُ
لَولا تواضعهُ بعظم جَلالِهِ

16. O you I yearn to meet, your image
ever ails me by making your attainment near.

١٦. يا من اشوقُ الى لقاهُ وَرسمُه
ابداً يعلّلني بقرب مَنالِهِ

17. An image - if you were among us, you would find it
Closer to us than your mirage.

١٧. رَسمٌ لو انَّكَ بيننا لوجدتُهُ
أَدنى الينا منك طيفُ خيالِهِ

18. I fell short in praising you, but
A timid one's excuse lies in his reticence.

١٨. قصَّرتُ في صوغ الثناءِ وانما
عذرُ المُقِلُّ يكونُ من إِقلالِهِ

19. So if you pardon, you are foremost in pardoning,
And if you blame, you are among the judicious.

١٩. فاذا عذرتَ فانتَ أَوَّل عاذِرٍ
وإِذا عذلتَ فانت من عذّالِهِ