
Had it not been for love and those enchanting eyes,

أما والهوى لولا العيون السواحر

1. Had it not been for love and those enchanting eyes,
Our eyes would not have stayed up through the nights,

١. أما وَالهوى لَولا العيونُ السواحِرُ
لما سهرت منّا العيون السواهرُ

2. Nor would hearts have been struck by arrows from them,
Nor would breasts have been torn open in the mornings.

٢. وَلا رُشِقت منا القلوب باسهمٍ
ولا اصبحت منا تُشقُّ المرائِرُ

3. They are blameless eyes so do not be deceived by them,
For how many free hearts have modest eyes fettered!

٣. هي الاعين الوسنى فلا تغترِر بِها
فكم احجَّبت حَرّا عيونٌ فواتِرُ

4. Modest, but they are temptresses,
Hearts they may be, but they cause separation.

٤. فواترُ الّا انهنَّ فواطِرٌ
قُلوباً والا انهنَّ بواتِرُ

5. Sickness? Yes, but health for frenzy,
The breaking of eyelids, but the subduing of firmness.

٥. مِراضٌ نَعم لكن صِحاحٌ لدى الوَغى
كسيراتُ اجفانٍ ولكن كَواسِرُ

6. By God, were it not for their sickness we would have had
No sickness, so they passed beyond us while we took no precautions.

٦. وَواللَهِ لَولا سقمُها لم يكن بِنا
سِقامٌ فتعدينا وَلسنا نحاذِرُ

7. They are the messengers calling each heart to love,
Inclinations, however passionate love decreed and commanded.

٧. هيَ الرُسلُ تدعو كلَّ قَلبٍ الى الهوى
نَواهٍ كَما شاءَ الغَرامُ وامِرُ

8. Her eyes called me to love Layla and so
My heart obeyed from a submissive hand.

٨. الى حبِّ لَيلى قد دعَتنيَ عينُها
فَلبّى فؤادي عن يَدٍ وهو صاغِرُ

9. May God watch over Layla! I am only her Qays,
Does she equal her Qays or are they different?

٩. رَعى اللَه لَيلى انما انا قَيسُها
فَهَل هيَ لَيلى قيسِها ام تُغايرُ

If he is called Qays ibn al-'Amiri

١٠. فان كانَ يُدعى قيسُ من آل عامِرٍ
فَما قَلبُهُ في حبِّ ليلاهُ عامِرُ

11. Then his heart is not flourishing in his love of his nights.
Yes, he has made it the most flourishing dwelling place for her,

١١. بَلى فهو امسى منزلاً عامراً لَها
بِهِ قد ثوت حيثُ الغَرامُ المجاوِرُ

12. In him firmness has lodged next to passion.
A love he kept hidden though love's glance

١٢. هوىً ظلَّ يُخفيهِ وَللحبِّ نظرةٌ
يبين بها ما ضُمنتهُ السَرائِرُ

13. Shows what hearts' secrecies have concealed.
Know that Layla is a sapling - though she ensnares,

١٣. أَلا إِنَّ لَيلى جوذُرٌ غير أَنَّها
تَصيد وَلَم تعهد كذاك الجآذرُ

14. The snares did not foster her like the saplings.
O Lord of the accomplished being accomplished

١٤. وَيا رُبَّ مَفعولٍ غدا وهو فاعِلٌ
كَما ان منصوراً غدا وهو ناصِرُ

15. As Mansur became victorious while aiding.
A knight combining the two conditions like the full moon

١٥. فَتىً جمع الامرين كالبدر آخِذاً
من الشمس تُعطى النور منهُ النواظِرُ

16. Taking light from the sun - sight comes from it to eyes.

١٦. هُمامٌ لَهُ في كل فضلٍ مآثرٌ
نعم وَلَهُ في كل مَجدٍ مفاخرُ

17. A staunch one, his feats in every virtue have glories,
Yes, and for every glory he has prides.

١٧. مفاخر في جيد الزَمان قلادَةٌ
وَسَيفٌ لاعناق الاعاديّ ناحِرُ

18. Prides in the excellent age are necklaces,
And a sword rending the necks of foes.

١٨. مُشيرٌ ولكنّا نَراهُ بمجدِهِ
مُشاراً اليهِ وهو كالشَمس ظاهِرُ

19. An advisor, but we see him in his glory
Pointed to, though like the sun he is manifest.

١٩. أَريجُ ثناءِ كالنَسيم يمرُّ في
خَمائِلُ اوصافٍ لَهُ فهو عاطِرُ

20. The scent of praise is like a breeze passing
Among the tresses of qualities - his scent remaining fragrant.

٢٠. بدا في صفاتٍ تَقتَضي واصفاً لها
ولكن لديها طائل المدح قاصِرُ

21. He appeared with traits requiring a describer,
But telling of his praise falls short before him.

٢١. مكارم اخلاقٍ وحسن شمائِلٍ
مواردُها ميمونَةٌ وَالمَصادِرُ

22. Virtues of character and excellent qualities
Whose springs are blessed and sources pure.

٢٢. حديقة مجدٍ باهرٍ طابَ غَرسُها
وَقَد جادَها غيثٌ من الفضل هامِرُ

23. A garden of dazzling glory, its planting wholesome,
Watered by a rain of virtue, abundant.

٢٣. ضَغا ظِلُّها من شِدَّة الخصب وارفاً
وَمثلَتِ الانوارَ منها الازاهرُ

24. Its shade was luxuriant from the intensity of fertility,
And flowers of light took on wholesome color there.

٢٤. فَما شئتَ من ادواح مَجدٍ مؤَثَّلٍ
عليهنَّ كَم قد صاح للفخر طائِرُ

25. Whatever registers of prepared glory you wish
Upon which the bird of glory proclaimed in song.

٢٥. وَما شئتَ فيها من موارد عزَّةٍ
جرت تحت جنّاتٍ فتلكَ كواثرُ

26. Whatever springs of might you wish therein
Flowing beneath gardens - and those are abundant.

٢٦. تعطَّف فيها ماؤُها فَمعاصِمٌ
هُنالِك تَحليهِنَّ مِنهُ أَساوِرُ

27. Its water winding through, so it has barriers
There jewels of its water adorn them as bracelets.

٢٧. يَروح بِها الظمآنُ يشربُ مسمعٌ
قُبَيلَ فمٍ منهُ وَيَشرب ناظِرُ

28. The thirsty goes and drinks, listening,
Mouth to spout, and onlooker drinks.

٢٨. أَلا وهو مُنميها بشمس ذَكائِهِ
وَغيث نداهُ وهوَ بالفضل ماطرُ

29. Behold, he makes it grow with the sun of his wisdom
And rain of his munificence - he of abundant virtue.

٢٩. لَها مِن شَفيقٍ خَيرُ فرعٍ وَحبذا
فَتىً قد زكت منهُ وَطابَت عناصِرُ

30. From a noble branch it has the best offspring - excellent
Is the youth whom it produced and whose makeup is pure.

٣٠. تَدلُّ على القرع الاصول وَهَكَذا
تدلُّ على الاصل الفروعُ النواضِرُ

31. The branches indicate the origins, just as
The brilliant scions point to the lineage.

٣١. فَتى بالرياضيّات روَّض فِكرُهُ
فراض صِعاباً دونها الفكر حائِرُ

32. A youth who trained his mind with mathematics
And surmounted obstacles to thinking, confounding thought.

٣٢. فَذَلَّ لَهُ العاصي فذلَّلَهُ بها
نَعَم مَن لمنصوو نُمي فهو ظافِرُ

33. So the disobedient submitted to him and by them
He subdued - yes, he who aids Mansur is victorious.

٣٣. كَريمٍ ومن اسنى مكارمهِ لَدى
قصوريَ فيِ أَنَّهُ ليَ عاذِرُ