1. Speak of the Arabs until the non-Arabs are enraptured
Listening, even those deaf hear of their valor
١. حدّث عَن العُرب حتىّ تطربَ العَجَمُ
سَمعاً وَيسمعَ مَن في اذنهِ صممُ
2. However much their mention is repeated, it increases their zeal
As words gain power when reiterated as diction
٢. مَهما تكرَّر لهم ذكراً يَزِد طَرَباً
كَما تَزيد اذا كرَّرتها الكَلِمُ
3. None can match them in the fray but their blades
Nay, none equal their skill but their hands
٣. ما مثلهُم في الوغى الّا سيوفُهُم
كَلّا ولا مثلها الّا أَكفُّهُمُ
4. They sought greatness and gained more than they asked
While those with lesser ambitions always fall short
٤. راموا العَلآءَ فَنالوا فوق ما طلبوا
وَطالَما قصَّرت بالطالب الهممُ
5. Whoever fears their wrath avoids their company
Whoever enjoys their protection has nought to dread
٥. فَمَن يخافُ أَذاهم لا يُقاربهُم
وَمَن يُداني حماهم لا يَخافُهُمُ
6. Glory itself seems paltry after their glory
Sword, spear, pen and paper their instruments be
٦. فالمَجدُ صار حَقيراً بعد مجدهمِ
وَالسيف وَالرمح وَالقرطاسُ وَالقَلَمُ
7. How blessed were the days of their past that went by
How splendid their ruins and tents that still lie
٧. يا حبَّذا حسن ايامٍ لهم سلفت
وَحَبَذا تلكُمُ الاطلالُ والخيَمُ
8. How we yearn to tread where once they had been
And follow in the steps where their feet walked in
٨. كَمِ اِشتَهينا لَو أَنّا بينهم قِدَماً
حَتىّ أُعيد الينا ذلك القِدَمُ
9. In legends of them they come alive once more
Were they present today, they'd find their likeness galore
٩. روايةٌ شخِّصوا فيها فَلوا حضروا
توهَّموا أَنَّ مرآةً امامَهمُ
10. Pens tire in their praise though they speak without pause
Their glory sung by even the tongues of the mute
١٠. فاهَت بِمَدحتها الاقلام ناطقةً
كَفى بأَن مدَحتها الالسُن البكُمُ