
When the weak are extremely weak

إن الضعيف اذا تناهى ضعفه

1. When the weak are extremely weak
The powers of the strong are all confused

١. إنَّ الضعيفَ اذا تَناهى ضعفهُ
حارَت لديهِ قُوى القويِّ جميعُها

2. Like a mosquito, the lowliest of creatures
So that it can make itself heard

٢. مثل البعوضة وهي احقر خلقةٍ
حتىّ ليُظهِرُ كَونَها مَسموعُها

3. It attacks a king on his throne and harms him
It drinks his blood and he cannot stop it

٣. تغشىَ المَليكَ بعرشهِ وتَسوءُهُ
وَتَنالُ من دمهِ ولا يَسطِعُها