1. You befriended me, but your friendship was misery for me
Full of blame, complaints, grievances, and laments
١. صاحبتموني فبئسَت صُحبةٌ ليَ من
عَتبٍ وَشكوى وإِعتابٍ وإِشكاءِ
2. You always had an official stance
Revealing a black spot in my heart
٢. وحالةٍ لكُم رسميَّةٍ ابداً
تشفُّ عن نقطةٍ في القلبِ سوداء
3. I don't know where it came from or how to erase it
Except by the One who descended serenely
٣. من أين جاءَت ولا يَسطيعُ يَنقُطُها
الّا الَّذي حلَّ منهُ في السُوَيداءِ
4. How many burdens have I carried because of you
By God, they were lighter than carrying disease
٤. وكم قوارِصَ منكم كنت أحملها
وَاللَهِ اهوَنُ منها الحَملُ للداءِ
5. Praise be to God, if your friendship
Pained me when you weren't my loved ones
٥. الحمد لِلَّه ان كانَت صداقتكم
تؤذي اذا لم تكونوا من احبّائي
6. If it was nothing but companionship for a while
You wouldn't stay my enemies forever
٦. وإن يكن ليس الّا صحبةٌ وَقِلاً
فلا برحتم مدى الايام اعدآئي