1. God has a fortress in Baalbek, and there is
No harm in calling it a mountain.
١. لِلَّهِ حصنٌ بَبعلَبَكَّ وَلا
بدعَ اذا سَمّيناهُ بالجبلِ
2. A great tower, the greatest of all towers,
With stones that scorn the peaks.
٢. بَرجٌ عَظيمٌ كل البروجُ لَهُ
حجارةٌ تستهين بالقُللِ
3. If jinn had any truth, we would attribute
Its origin to them in ancient times.
٣. لَو كانَ للجنّ صحَّةٌ لنسبنا
هُ اليهم في سالف الازلِ
4. How did the people who passed build it,
And who were they, I wonder, among the nations?
٤. كَيفَ بناهُ القوم الَّذين مضوا
ومن هُم يا تُرى من الدوَلِ
5. A people who were lions and eagles, yes,
If the work of laborers was like the work itself.
٥. قَومٌ هم الأُسد وَالورى نَعَمٌ
ان كان شأن العُمّال كالعملِ
6. It is as if gravity itself had ceased
For a time, leaving no weight there.
٦. كأَنَّما الجاذبيَّةُ انقطعت
حيناً فَلَم يَبقَ ثَمَّ من ثِقَلِ