
She complained of a forehead like yours, so I leaned

شكت مثل ذياك الجبين فأقبلت

1. She complained of a forehead like yours, so I leaned
Toward cheeks like hers, of ice and embers.

١. شَكَت مثلَ ذيّاك الجَبين فأَقبلت
على مثل خدّيها من الثلج والجمرِ

2. I said to her, "There's no need for that -
My heart holds fire, while with you it's in ashes."

٢. فَقُلتُ لَها ليست لذلك حاجةٌ
فَذي نارُ قَلبي وَهوَ عندكِ في الخِدرِ

3. Oh fire of my heart that I've kept secret
Until this day throughout the ages -

٣. وَيار نارَ قَلبي قد خبأتُكِ طيَّهُ
الى مثل هَذا اليوم من قِدَم الدهرِ

4. I've held you back in it when there was no need
For you against what was mine of harm.

٤. حبستُكِ فيهِ حين لم تَكُ حاجةٌ
اليكِ على ما بي لِذاكَ من الضَرِّ

5. Fearing hurting her, reveal yourself only
As much as the situation requires.

٥. مَخافةَ إِيذاءِ لها فاظهري إِذن
عَلى قَدر ما تَحتاج من مُقتَضى الامرِ

6. So embers, melt that ice and destroy it!
And ice, don't extinguish the flame's heat!

٦. فَيا جمرُ ذَوِّب ذلك الثلج وافنِهِ
وَيا ثَلجُ لا تُخمِد لَهُ لَهَبَ الحَرِّ

7. Happy is the cold that's touched her body
And met the cold of the cheeks and mouth.

٧. هَنيئاً لِبَردٍ قَد أَلَمَّ بجسمها
وَقابلَهُ بَردُ الرُضاب منالثغرِ