
You were led from life to the abode of eternity

سقاك من الحيا صوب العهاد

1. You were led from life to the abode of eternity
With tears that flowed from the eyelids of the valleys

١. سَقاكَ من الحيا صوبُ العِهادِ
بِدَمعٍ سالَ مِن مُقَلِ الغوادي

2. And upon your tomb descends every day
God's supreme satisfaction with your persistence

٢. وَحلَّ عَلى ضَريحك كلَّ يَومٍ
رضى اللَه العليّ على التَمادي

3. For your day in existence there is great renown
As is the remembrance of you by one facing death

٣. لِيَومكَ في الورى ذكرٌ عَظيمٌ
كذكركَ عند محتضرٍ وَبادِ

4. And nothing avails your remembrance but tears
With which youth is kindled in the heart

٤. وَما يُغني اذكارُك غيرَ دَمعٍ
تشُبُّ بِهِ الصبابَةُ في الفؤادِ

5. And none can comprehend you but the glance of an eye
Even if tears flowed in torrents of blackness

٥. وَمثلك لا يفيهِ صَوبُ عينٍ
وَلَو جرت المَدامعُ بالسوادِ

6. And none suffers loss like you from harm
For whom do I weep but loved ones and enemies?

٦. وَما مثل يشكُهُ احدٌ بِضرٍّ
لمن ابكي الاحبَّة والاعادي

7. And he who had piety for his banner
And he who never harmed people

٧. وَمَن كانَت لَهُ التقوا شِعارا
وَمَن لم يشكُ ضرّا في العِبادِ

8. And he whose traits were lessons
And the vigils of night his pillows

٨. وَمَن كانَت خلائقُهُ عِظاتٍ
وَسُهدُ اللَيل من اهنا الوسادِ

9. I knew you would not disappoint the call of a supplicant
To whom the masters of guidance repair

٩. عهدتكَ لا تُخيبُ نداءَ داعٍ
بها يأتمُّ اربابُ الرشادِ

10. And you were a fiery zeal, so why do I
Not respond to the call of a vocal summoner?

١٠. وَكنتَ بغيرةٍ ناراً فما لي
فما لَكَ لا تجيبُ دعا منادِ

11. For a time you burned within me until
I saw you today become ashes

١١. قد اتَّقدت زَماناً فيكَ حتىّ
اراكَ اليومَ صرتَ الى الرمادِ

12. And you used to call us with preaching
But for missing you we are kindled

١٢. وَكنتَ اذا تنادينا بوعظٍ
غدت فينا لفقدكَ في اتقادِ

13. And the inanimate would melt in sorrow for you
Enacting the day of mutual calling

١٣. وَكانَ بِكَ الجمادُ يذوبُ حزناً
تمثِّل للملا يوم التَنادي

14. You were the pillar of superiority in the wilds
But today you are some inanimate matter

١٤. وَكنتَ عمادَ فضلٍ في البَرايا
فصرتَ اليوم من بعض الجمادِ

15. And you were more caring of affection
But excellence lies toppled of its pillar

١٥. وكنتَ أَجلَّ مَن يَرعى وداداً
فَباتَ الفَضلُ منهدَمُ العِمادِ

16. After George, the House of Jesus will weep
So why do you not yearn for affection?

١٦. سَتَبكي بعد جرجس آل عيسى
فَما لَكَ لا تحنُّ الى الودادِ

17. He passed away by God's decree
So attain in His presence your ultimate desire

١٧. قَضى بِاللَه مرتحلاً اليهِ
فادركَ عندَهُ اقصى المرادِ

18. By your life, that is our goal toward which
We drive our mounts, though life wanes

١٨. لعمرك تلك غايتنا اليها
نَزُمُّ ركابنا والعمرُحادِ

19. These abodes are not lasting for us
Did they not belong to ?Ad in ancient times?

١٩. وَما هذي الديارُ لَنا دياراً
أَلَم تَكُ في القَديمِ لِقَومِ عادِ

20. Our delight with life is a dream
When our eyes close in the wings of night

٢٠. لَهونا بالحياةِ وَتِلكَ حلمٌ
لاعيننا بجنحِ الليلِ بادِ

21. We rejoice in it and deem it real
Forgetting that is in slumber

٢١. نُسَرُّ بِهِ وَنحسبهُ يَقيناً
وَنَنسى ان ذلك في الرقادِ

22. If you wish for constancy in death
Then be provided with amplest provisions

٢٢. اذا شئتَ الثباتَ لدى المَنايا
فكن متزوداً باجلّ زادِ

23. For the matter of death is feared only
When the matter of the Return is feared

٢٣. فَلَيسَ يُخافُ امرُ الموت الّا
اذا ما خيفَ من امرِ المعادِ