1. Spring arrived and you are the flower of its gardens
Even its blooming rose in April
١. جاءَ الرَبيعُ وأنتَ زَهرُ جِنانِه
بل وَردُهُ الفَيّاح في نَيسانِهِ
2. We met, happy companions, blessed union
A joyous delegation, its wedding was felicitous
٢. وافيتما متصاحَبين وحبذا
وَفدٌ سَعيدٌ طابَ سعدُ قِرانِهِ
3. The best of men are those of valor and nobility
The finest season of the seasons of time
٣. خير الرجال أُلي الشهامة والعُلى
وأَجَلُّ فَصلٍ من فصول زَمانِهِ
4. This is the messenger of the great state
Which is a towering glory and he is one of its branches
٤. هَذا رَسول الدولةالعظمى الَّتي
هي دَوح مَجدٍ وهو من اغصانِهِ
5. A palm tree watered by merit with its sweetest waters
So the waters of honor flowed through its rivers
٥. دَوحٌ سَقاهُ الفضلُ أَعذبَ مآئِهِ
فجرت مياهُ العزّ في عِيدانِهِ
6. Its roots prospered and bore wished-for fruits
And knowledge diffused its fragrance from its garden
٦. طابَت مغارِسُهُ فاثمرت المُنى
وَشَذا المعارف فاح من بستانِهِ
7. He visited a school which shone from his visit
And was ennobled by the loftiness of his rank
٧. قد زار مدرسةً زهَت بمزارِهِ
وَتَرَفَّعت شرفاً برفعة شانهِ
8. The house of knowledge has become, by his visit
The house of glories, lofty in position
٨. بيتُ المعارف قد غدا بِلقآئِهِ
بيتَ المفاخر في اِرتفاع مكانِهِ
9. Its buildings were honored, their foundations almost
Reached to the roof from the height of its structure
٩. عزَّت مَبانيهِ فكاد أَساسُها
يَعلو الى الشُرُفات من بُنيانهِ
10. Welcome our noble visitor, he deserves
To be hosted by the young man in his gardens
١٠. اهلاً بزائرنا الكَريم فانهُ
اهلٌ ليُنزِلَهُ الفَتى بجَنانِهِ
11. He should not be called a guest with us, he is
In his own home, among his own people
١١. لا يُدعَ ضيفاً في حِمانا إِنَّهُ
في بَيتهِ منهُ وفي اوطانِهِ