
Your cheeks' beauty is not boasted by the earrings,

لا يفتخر خداك بالجلنار

1. Your cheeks' beauty is not boasted by the earrings,
For in my passionate heart there is abundant fire.

١. لا يفتخر خدّاكِ بالجُلنار
فانَّ في قَلبي الشجي جُلَّ نار

2. Neither by ornaments, for by my face they
Have increased, behold this ornament and ornament maker!

٢. وَلا البَها فهو بِوَجهي وقد
زاد انظري هَذا البَها والبَهار

3. Nor by the bending of my waist towards it,
Both appear similar, which of them is borrowed?

٣. ولا نُحولِ الخصر جسمي لَهُ
مِثلٌ تُرى أَيُّهما مُستَعار

4. Rather, your pride is that I could not
Refrain from you, as you refrained patience from me.

٤. وإِنَّما فخرُكِ أَن لم أُطِق
عنكِ كَما عني أَطقتِ اِصطبار

5. And love singled me out, away from you,
As if it loves you from where it was jealous.

٥. واختصَّ بي دونِكِ فعلُ الهوى
كأَنَّهُ يَهواكِ من حَيثُ غار

6. Or not, for it is a law, and passion
Defeats the armored one and the one wearing robe.

٦. أَو لا فإِنّا شَرَعٌ والهَوى
يصرَعُ ذا الدرع وَذاتَ الإِزار

7. I was surprised by one who desired her glance
That my eyes recoil from it broken.

٧. عَجِبتُ مِمَّن اشتَهي لمحَها
يرتدُّ عنها ناظري بانكسار

8. Is there then any dispute that she is
The sun of morning from which eyelids avert?

٨. فهَل نزاعٌ بعدُ في أَنَّها
شَمسُ الضحى للطرفِ عنها ازورار

9. A light that has in the cheek fire within us,
And can light be without fire?

٩. نورٌ لَهُ في الخدّ نارٌ بِنا
وَهَل يَكون النور من دون نار

10. They said you stayed up at night, so sleep in the morning,
Who stays up at night, sleeps in the day.

١٠. قالوا سهرتَ اللَيل نَم في الضحى
مَن يَسهَرُ اللَيل يَنام النهار

11. So I said, enough! I have no morning,
For that is my sun that never ceased to hide.

١١. فَقُلتُ كفوا لَيسَ لي من ضحىً
فَتِلكَ شمسي لم تزل في اِستتار

12. It declined, so this night from her hair
Does not clear except with a face that illuminated.

١٢. وَلَّت فَهَذا الليل من شعرها
لا ينجَلي الّا بوجهٍ أَنار

13. Or with black ink, from one who has
In it meanings, like the morning with its burst.

١٣. او بسوادِ الحبرِ ممن لَهُ
فيهِ معانٍ كالضحى بانفجار

14. A hand writes it, wishing to remain
In a pen through which it seeks closeness.

١٤. تكتبهُ كفٌّ يودُّ البقا
في قَلَمٍ فيها ابتغاءَ الجِوار

15. It almost does not flow, but it is
Shy of the flowing of the exquisite.

١٥. يَكاد لا يَجري ولكنهُ
تخجِلُهُ عادةُ جريِ النُضار

16. A sea, the seas of poetry flow through it
O you who saw in the sea seas flow!

١٦. بحرٌ بحور الشعر تجري بِها
يا مَن رأى في البحرِ تجري بحار

17. A brother in affection, steadfast, not like
Flowers, but like the rock in its firmness.

١٧. اخو ودادٍ ثابِتٍ مثل لَو
نَ الزَهرِ لا كالزَهرِ في الإِنتثار

18. And the good manners of his praiser
A miracle he scarcely could match.

١٨. وَطيبُ اخلاقَ لمدَّاحِها
مُعجِزَةٌ عزَّ عليها اِقتدار

19. Whoever among them obtained it, we call him
Al-Mutanabbi, so the best, the best!

١٩. مَن منهُمُ احرزَها نَدعُهُ
بِالمتَنبي فالبِدار البِدار

20. You possessed my heart when you possessed me
To you in both cases a pride.

٢٠. ملكتَ قَلبي حين ملَّكتَني
قلبَكَ لي في الحالَتين اِفتخار

21. A love we agreed upon, because
We knew ourselves through testing.

٢١. حبٌّ تصافَينا عليهِ لِما
أَنّا عرفنا نفسنا باختبار

22. I realized it, so take back my heart, and take
Your heart, or if you wish, leave me the choice.

٢٢. حقَّقتُهُ فاردُد فؤادي وَخذ
قَلبَكَ أَو إِن شئتَ دع لي الخيار