1. No wonder if the bow is given to its shooter
By one accustomed to give it and shoot with it
١. لا بدع إن كان أُعطي القوسَ باريها
ممَّن تعوَّدَ يُعطاها وَيُعطيها
2. So we do not congratulate him, but congratulate it
For it has attained its wishes through him
٢. فَلا نهنئهُ لكن نهنئُها
بِهِ فتلك الَّتي نالَت امانيها
3. A leadership which was attained by one who did not increase in honor through it
So in himself he already contained it
٣. رئاسَةٌ نالها مَن لم يزد شرفاً
بها فَفي نَفسِهِ قد كان حاويها
4. More sublime than to be told:
"Congratulations from the highest ranks and its glories"
٤. اجَلُّ منزلةً من ان يقال لَهُ
تَهنيك من رُتَب العليا معاليها
5. A master who has a foot firmly rooted in virtue
And a hand as white as lilies greeting it
٥. مولىً لَهُ قدمٌ في الفَضلِ راسخةٌ
وَفي الندى يَدُهُ البيضا تلاقيها
6. He sought virtues until he attained the best of them
So to him there was nothing new in it
٦. رادَ الفضائِلَ حتىّ حازَ افضلها
فَلَم يَكُن من جديدٍ عندهُ فيها
7. Blessed of face and bright of forehead when
The nights' vicissitudes darkened, he illuminated them
٧. مبارك الوجه وضّاح الجَبين اذا
دَجَت صروفُ اللَيالي فهو جاليها
8. In his heart shone the light of truth ignited
By the fires of his zeal and determination enflaming them
٨. في قَلبِهِ لاحَ نور الحقِّ تبعثُهُ
نيرانُ غَيرتِهِ والعزم يُذكيها
9. Tripoli of Syria congratulates itself for attaining
Through him a pride with which its regions are adorned
٩. تَهنا طرابُلُس الشأم الَّتي ظفرت
منهُ بِفَخرٍ بِهِ ازدانت نواحيها
10. And Jilq attained a share of him when he dwelt
In it, so both attained their congratulations
١٠. وَنال جِلَّقَ حظٌّ مِنهُ حيث ثَوى
بها فكلتاهما لاقَت تهانيها
11. Justice and fairness became his habit
And a person's habits do not transgress their courses
١١. تعوَّد العدلَ والانصافَ مشرَبهُ
وعادة المرءِ لا تعدو مَجاريها