
With you attained the utmost glory

الجاه عندك نال اكمل جاه

1. With you attained the utmost glory
There, a light above a shining light

١. الجاهُ عندك نال اكملَ جاهِ
فهناك نُورٌ فوق نورٍ زاهِ

2. And pride in you was clothed in finest raiment
With every garment made more glorious in your name

٢. والفَخر منك كُسي بابهى حُلَّةٍ
وَعليك منهُ كُلُّ ثَوبٍ باهِ

3. O you whose heart is kindled by his wisdom
More healing for one in pain than cool water

٣. يا مَن توقُّدُ قَلبهِ بِذكائِهِ
أَشفى لِصادٍ من بَرودِ مياهِ

4. He is the clearness with his gentleness and purity
So fire and water meet in him

٤. وَهوَ الزُلال بلطفهِ وَصفآئِهِ
فبِهِ اجتماع النارِ والامواهِ

5. Our ears attained delight from your name
And so were envied by other mouths

٥. نالَت مَسامعُنا منِ اسمك لذَّةً
فغدت محسَّدةً من الافواهِ

6. Justice is your way so you were praised as equitable
Between all ears and lips

٦. وَالعَدلُ شأنُكَ فاِمتُدِحتَ مُعادِلاً
ما بَينَ أَسماعٍ وبين شِفاهِ

7. If praise of you be bounded, still
Your merit has no bound nor end

٧. وَلئن يكن فيك الثنا متناهياً
فاعذر فَفَضلُك لَيسَ بِالمُتناهي

8. Above all likeness you are exalted
So you need a poet freed from commonplace

٨. نُزّهتَ عن شبهٍ فَتَبغي شاعِراً
متنَّزِهاً في الشعر عن أَشباهِ

9. You are that one, and who has novel metaphors
For you, commands that guide the makers of verse

٩. وَلأَنت ذاكَ ومن لنا ببدائعٍ
لك آمراتٍ للقَريض نواهِ

10. And poetry itself came praising me with kindness
And said, “I am the servant of God’s servant.”

١٠. فَلَقَد اتاني الشعر يَثني عطفَهُ
وَيَقول انّى عبدُ عبدِ اللَهِ