
She complained of cold, so I said to her,

لقد شكت لا شكت بردا فقلت لها

1. She complained of cold, so I said to her,
My soul I'd give for that body made cold.

١. لَقَد شَكَت لا شَكَت برداً فقلت لها
روحي فدى ذلك الجسم الَّذي بردا

2. If you complain of coolness, here am I,
Complaining of the fires of love ablaze.

٢. ان كنتِ تشكين من بردٍ فهئَنَذا
اشكو من الحرِّ حرِّ الشوق متَّقدا

3. Would that our bodies were mixed, and so
Shared heat and cold, until both joined in one,

٣. يا لَيتَ يُمزَجُ جسمانا فَيَعتَدلا
حرّا وبرداً الى ان يُصحبا جسدا

4. And they became as our souls combined,
And in the morn appeared as hearts made one.

٤. وَيُمسيا مثل روحَينا قد ائتَلفا
وَيَغدوا مثل قَلبينا قد اتَّحدا