
No harm in the distress and misery of illness,

لا بأس من ضنك السقام وبؤسه

1. No harm in the distress and misery of illness,
For with the sickness of body may come health of soul.

١. لا بأس من ضنك السقام وَبؤسِهِ
فعَسى بسقمِ الجسم صحة نَفسِهِ

2. The rocks' deafness brought us no gems,
Except with the cold of time and its sun.

٢. لَم تأتِنا صُمُّ الصخورِ بجوهرٍ
الا على برد الزَمان وَشمسِهِ

3. And the body is the soul's shield when
It is protected as the quiver protects its arrows.

٣. وَالجسمُ ترس النفس اذ اضحت بِهِ
تُحمى كَما يُحمى الكميّ بترسِهِ

4. Do not hate anything, for through it
Good may come to you, like Joseph in the outcome of his imprisonment.

٤. لا تَكرَهوا شَيئاً لعلَّ بِهِ لكم
خَيراً كيوسفَ في عواقب حبسِهِ

5. Time is an adversary, but it wants
To wrestle with the valiant for their vigor.

٥. إن الزَمان مبارِزٌ لكنهُ
يَبغي مبارزة الشجاعِ لبأسِهِ

6. Do not despair of time, for perhaps
The youth may attain his hopes through despair.

٦. لا تيأَسنَّ من الزَمان فربمّا
نالَ الفَتى آمالُهُ في يأسهِ

7. God does as He wills, so do not be
Of those who will be judged for their yesterdays.

٧. اللَه يَفعَل ما يَشاءُ فَلا تكن
مِمّا يحاسبُ يومهُ عن أَمسِهِ

8. One finds no rest from misfortunes
Until he is hidden in the sides of his burial.

٨. لا يَستَريحُ المَرءُ من نَكَباتِهِ
حَتىّ يُغيَّبَ في جوانب رمسِهِ

9. Two conditions, if one were given the choice between them,
Would keep a man wavering confused in his guesswork.

٩. حالان لَو خيَّرتَ بينهما امرءاً
لأَقامَ يخبِطُ هائماً في حَدسِهِ

10. But better than them is that in which is God's good pleasure,
For that is a mercy from His Holiness.

١٠. لَكِنَّ خيرهما الَّتي فيها رضى ال
باري فتلك مراحمٌ من قُدسِهِ

11. How often the cup of fate passes, but when
The cup of death flows, its bitterness is sweetened.

١١. كَم مَرَّ كأسُ الدهر لكن اذ جرت
كأَسُ المنيَّة طابَ علقمُ كأَسِهِ

12. O you who have worn the armor of purity tomorrow
Of David's make, triumphing in its wearing,

١٢. يا من لبستَ من التفى درعاً غدا
من صنعِ داوودٍ ففزتَ بلبسِهِ

13. And have planted it, reaping the good praise
Above what you will gain from its planting,

١٣. وَغَرستَهُ فَجَنيَيتَ طيبَ محامدٍ
فَوقَ الَّذي ستنالُهُ من غرسِهِ

14. All are jealous in protecting their bodies,
O you who are jealous in protecting your soul!

١٤. كُلٌّ يغارُ علي صيانة جسمِهِ
يا مَن يغارُ على صيانة نَفسِهِ

15. When you scorned fate, its course struck you,
But your soul cannot be reached by its touch.

١٥. لما اِحتقرتَ الدهرَ مسَّكَ صَرفُهُ
لكنَّ نفسكَ لا تُنال بمسِّهِ

16. The body is of this time and its earth,
And everything has a weakness from its own species.

١٦. وَالجسم من هَذا الزَمان وارضهِ
ولكل شيءٍ آفةٌ من جنسِهِ