
We would pay to ransom you had death accepted payment,

فديناك لو أن الردى يقبل الفدى

1. We would pay to ransom you had death accepted payment,
And ones like you are redeemed by loved ones and enemies alike.

١. فَديناك لو أَنَّ الرَدى يقبل الفدى
وَمثلك تَفديهِ الاحبَّة والعِدى

2. And those like you are not mourned with tears
But with souls pouring out grief indefinitely.

٢. وَمِثلُك لا يُبكى عليهِ مدامِعاً
وَلكن نفوساً سائِلاتٍ على المَدى

3. He who in life has not shed a single tear
If he sheds no tears in death, has not transgressed.

٣. وَمَن لَم يُسِل في مدَّة العيش دمعةً
فان لَم يُسِل في الموت دمعاً فما اِعتَدى

4. Otherwise you had always made us shed tears
In joy, so it's no wonder we cry in loss

٤. والّا فقد كنتَ المُسيلَ دموعَنا
سروراً فلا بدعٌ اذا سلنَ في الردى

5. Our love in life turned into sorrow
And you were with me in it, so I was left alone

٥. محبتُنا في العيش حالَت الى الأَسى
وكنتَ معي فيها فاصبحتُ مفردا

6. Oh he who's gone on his way may God protect you
The spirits departed two-by-two and alone

٦. أَلا يا رعاك اللَه من راحِلٍ مضى
مضت مَعَهُ الارواح مَثنى وَموحِدا

7. A beloved of my heart, eyes and deepest feelings
So my grief for him was not solitary

٧. حبيبٌ الى قَلبي وعيني ومهجَتي
فَلَم يَكُ حزني فيهِ حزناً موحَّدا

8. The wind reminds me as it gently blew
The branch reminds me as it softly bent

٨. تُذَكرنيهِ الريح كيفَ تنسَّمت
وَيُذكرُنيهِ الغصنُ أَنّى تأَوَّدا

9. I cried tears for him each tear
Containing a sea of tears turbulently flowing

٩. بكَيتُ عليهِ ادمعاً كُلُّ دمعَةٍ
مضمَّنةٌ بحراً من الدمع مُزبدا

10. Because I cry for the many perfect things about him
Of beauty, kindness, excellence and guidance

١٠. لانيَ ابكي منهُ اشيآءَ جمَّةً
من الحسن والاحسان والفضل وَالهدى

11. And the likes thereof from every perfect trait
So he's not one being but multitudes embodied

١١. وامثالِها من كُلّ خُلقٍ مكمَّلٍ
فما هو شَخصٌ واحِدٌ بل تعدَّدا

12. Peace be upon you oh you who tomorrow will be a ruler
Reigning powerfully in my heart though now darkened

١٢. عليك سَلام اللَه يا قيصراً غدا
عَلى القَلب مني مالِكاً متسودا

13. You left and today feel no sorrow
While we remain in burning anguish kindled

١٣. رحلتَ ولست اليوم تشعرُ بالاسى
وابقينا في حرّ حزنٍ توقَّدا

14. You are congratulated and blessings poured upon you
Clouds visiting your grave to dampen it with dew

١٤. فهُنئِّتَ وانهلَّت عليك مراحمٌ
تَزور بهنَّ السُحبُ لحدَك بالنَدى