
O death, visit me, for I do not delight in life

يا موت زر فحياتي لست ارضاها

1. O death, visit me, for I do not delight in life
After my loved ones, now that their abodes are desolate

١. يا موت زُر فَحياتي لست ارضاها
بعد الاحبَّة اذ زُمَّت مَطاياها

2. If only my loved ones, when their mounts departed
Had taken me along, and I had not borne their tribulations

٢. ليت الاحبَّة اذ سارَت رَكائِبُها
تحمَّلتني فَلَم أَحمِل بَلاياها

3. Our loved ones, what is life to us without you?
For the word 'life' - you are its full meaning

٣. احبابَنا ما لَنا وَالعيشَ بعدكُم
فَلفظة العيش انتم جلُّ مَعناها

4. We have lost the sweetness of life after you
If only the soul had left us too

٤. لَقَد فَقدنا لذيذ العيش بعدكمُ
وحبذا الروحُ ما لَو فقدناها

5. You left, and we saw the earth desolate
As if we were in lands we had never trod

٥. رحلتمُ فرأَينا الارض مُوحَشةً
كاننا في ديارٍ ما وطئناها

6. And found none after you as solace
Ah, for your departure - Ah!

٦. وَلَم نَجد بعدكم في غيركم عوَضاً
عنكم فآهاً على ترحالكم آها

7. Woe that the world is of no use
If only it had left us or we had left it

٧. واحسرتا ليست الدنيا بنافعةٍ
يا ليتها تركتنا او تركناها

8. It narrowed on us while being vast
And was emptied after you though filled with people

٨. ضاقَت بنا وَعلينا وهي واسعةٌ
واقفرت بعدكم والناس تملاها